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origami kids easy homeschool

Origami Fun Time During MCO Homeschool

Homeschooling is sometimes fun and sometimes awful. Today it was fun! Aisha cutie pai has been missing school so much that she’s been wearing her school uniform at home haha. Love her so much....

cekodok recipe

Two Easy Recipes To Make Cekodok Pisang

The first easy cekodok recipe I got off this SAYS story. It was ok. The second easy cekodok recipe is my mum’s recipe. It is the best. Which one shall we start with? Easy...

Finally! My Sixth Blog Post!

It’s been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since I made another blog post but i’ll try. I’ll go down by latest to oldest okay? My fifth blog post was about time and numbers. I didn’t say...

mini oreo cookies raya recipe

Mini OREO Raya Cookies Recipe

Heehee so cute! Mini OREO cookies are the best because they’re small. My kids love them, I love them, now you can love them in these cutie pai Raya cookies. Ingredients 80g unsalted butter...

Lil Chonk Wants To Go Out And Play

Every morning pre-MCO, Lil Chonk would grab his sandals and sit on the steps while you wear them for him. Then off he’d scoot for a walk around the neighbourhood. Everyone in the neighbourhood...