Pagi Rock Crew join KLIA iStyle 2011 (Heat 3)

Three posts in one day. I’m on leave. And the babies are napping.

Hafiz named this gem the Silver-Monkey-Bird. I’ve never seen him so excited before. He was really, really into this project. A little too into it.

I’ll keep this short. Unfortunately I couldn’t take many pictures. It was a public holiday and Ayub was with me, running around KLIA with rolls of wrapping paper, trying to start a fight with passing strangers.

The brief was to create a cocktail dress out of recycled metal. We used tin foil, because it’s cheap and easily available and we had no idea where else to get metal. And joining us was Azura, Pagi Rock Crew Crew member extraordinaire. Love her to bits!

The crew following Azura’s design plan – cutting triangles to make a tutu.


Nadia was creating the body of the dress and strengthening the foil with tape, Meanwhile, Prem supposedly ‘perfected’ the crumpling technique of tin foil to give it the sexiest crumples.


Ayub made a cameo and was very confused as to what the crap was going on.

Here’s how tin foil => a cocktail dress:





Hafiz got too excited and added a giant collar followed by Victoria’s Secret-inspired angel wings, and later, a HORN coming out of Nadia’s back. A HORN.

And that’s the Silver-Monkey-Bird. We should have won. We even accessorized the model’s teeth with metal. Who does that? Pagi Rock Crew does.

The finale was a week after. PRC presented their beautiful designs on the catwalk in front of guests, judges, VIPs and media. There was free food. Ayub ate three slices of chocolate cake. And the goodie bag was an awesome box gift from Body Shop. Prem is going to use it as his Secret Santa present in the office swap. Sorry Ain. But it’s worth a LOT more than RM10  🙂

And that is the last of KLIA iStyle 2011.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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