The Shoemoney Network – I Got Paid!

I started this blog for fun. Because I really love blogging.

(If you check out my Archives section, you’re actually reading several years worth of posts at my old blog “Work and Babies.”)

It seems a lot of people are making a living out of their blogs. So I figured I’d give it a shot too.

So I signed up for Shoemoney’s new program called Shoemoney Network.

He promises to pay you to learn and complete tasks. Plus it’s completely free to sign up.

I figured, why the hell not?

Once I signed up I was taken to a page with a list of tasks to complete. I had to complete the first one in order to unlock the next, and so forth.

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I also very much approve of the fact that it’s called the Ninja Dashboard.

It was kinda like a game. You get to “level up.”

(I’m really into Hay Day. So lame, I know. But it’s so addictive. And leveling up makes me feel like my time has been spent wisely.)

So I suppose that’s the idea behind leveling up in the Shoemoney Network.

As incentive to complete the tasks, you get paid directly into your PayPal account.

I was SOOOOOOO sceptical. But I did the first task (which was to share a link on Facebook), and nothing happened.

This was while I was in the office. So I turned to the hubby, narrowed my eyes, and said “it’s a scam.”

He agreed and we went for lunch.

But I was still feeling antsy. Because I know Shoemoney and he is definitely not the scammy type. I actually really look up to him and respect his marketing techniques and the work he’s done.

So I checked my email. And there it was!

shoemoney network scam


I made my first $1 online!

Well, ok that’s not entirely true. I’ve made money online before. But that’s because I used to write freelance. This is different. I didn’t do anything. I shared a link on Facebook.

And to be honest I kinda got some flack for that link from my brother and friends. Because it is a “how to make money online” kind of video. But whatever!

Easiest $1 I’ve ever made.

Later that night I continued on the tasks. Just to see what was up.

It was incredibly easy. And stuff I already know how to do.

Did I mention it’s a video training on how to make money online? I might have missed that part. Sorry. So Shoemoney teaches you how to set up your own website and monetize it. Which is stuff I already know. Most of it I already do. But never have I been paid to do it 😛

Anyway, my phone was on silent but I kept hearing it buzz. I knew it was more payments going through.

(For writing a friggin blog post on my own blog!)

Within a couple hours I had a brand new blog up and running and had made $14.


My earnings from shoemoney network

It was fun. The money is  great motivator to actually (finally) get started with your website.

Yah, I realize I’m not a millionaire… yet!

But I’m looking forward to doing more tasks I guess. If I’m not too lazy :/

This is the blog I created with Shoemoney: Ninja Fatness. (It’s like fitness. But not.)

And if you’re interested in getting your online business going you can check out Shoemoney Network.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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