They discuss me over a forum…

Last week I was checking my blog stats and I saw that close to a hundred hits had come from a lowyat forum. So I clicked on the link and holy balls, someone started a thread about me…

Entitled ‘Who is Laila?’ the ‘discussion’ was about the supposedly sexy voice on Pagi Rock Crew. People are so weird. I sound like an overexcited cross-dressing chipmunk on steroids with a tendency to scream and grunt at inappropriate times. They had me confused with the incredibly beautiful Laila Hassan, the former evening news presenter who Prem has been pining for since her first hair flip a year ago. There were old old pics of me and Nadia, as well as pictures of Laila Hassan, and quite randomly, of Siti Nurhaliza. What the fish sticks.

Anyhoo, I commented in the hopes of clearing up the confusion of having two Lailas in Fly. But they didn’t believe me. Who on Earth would care to impersonate me? What could they possible look to gain? Bizarre.

I told Nadia about the thread, she is the Queen of Lowyat forum discussions, and she went there and commented ALL OVER, replying to EVERYBODY! Hahahahahhaha. Bobonut. I love you Nadiot.

Click here to see the thread.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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