Ayub had his first group occupational therapy session and from the get-go it was chaos.…
6 Benefits Of Jumping On A Trampoline For Kids On The Autism Spectrum
For Ayub’s 12th birthday, we got him a mini trampoline to jump jump on. He LOVES it, despite not wanting to open it as a gift.
I thought of getting him the trampoline because
- We’ve been stuck at home for almost a year
- He needs to stim, and loves to jump and bounce anyway
- He’s bored af
- Trampolines are awesome
It wasn’t until I was Googling trampolines to buy that I found out trampoline therapy for autism is a thing. Heh.

Here are 6 benefits of jumping on a trampoline for individuals on the autism spectrum:
1. Improves motor skills
Trampolining helps kids develop better coordination and balance, which is something kids with ASD often struggle with. As these gross motor skills improve, it also helps fine motor skills too.
Fine motor skills include writing, eating, tying shoe laces, doing up buttons etc.
2. Helps sensory skills
So one of the key things I learned from Ayub’s occupational therapist is that individuals on the spectrum tend to have a disconnect between their brain and their bodies.
The physical up and down full body motion of jumping on a trampoline is a great way to connect the mind with the body. Plus, because it’s fun and safe, the kids don’t feel pressure to “perform”, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed.
3. An outlet for stress and anxiety
Ayub has anxiety. The smallest things can trigger it. Often when he’s on the brink of a meltdown, he will stim even more to help comfort himself. Mostly swaying back and forth in his seat or flapping his hands or verbally stimming.
Jumping on the trampoline is a great way to relieve that anxiety. Just kinda bounce it all away and get it out of his system. It’s like his way of rebooting the system hehe.
4. Provides repetitive motion that doesn’t disrupt others
So, while I am fully supportive of my kiddo’s stims, sometimes they can be grating. He tends to walk around in circles or repeat words and phrases over and over. It calms him down but it can be pretty disruptive to everyone else in our household.
Trampolining provides the repetition he seeks without disturbing the rest of the family.
5. It’s good exercise all round
It’s a full body workout honestly, and good cardio too. Trampolining strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It’s also good for posture, increases stamina, and my friend Selena (hi Selena Bambina!) says it makes kids grow taller. That last bit isn’t true but it really is good for posture and stamina haha.
6. It’s fun for the whole family
I bought a mini trampoline that can support up to 100kg. So everyone in the family can bounce on it, including Mr Ninja.
With four active children who are stuck at home, it’s been a really good way to let them just have fun and be kids.

In case you’re wondering, the trampoline I bought was from Mamakiddies on Shopee

It was recommended by another parent. Not so expensive, delivery was fast. Easy to set up (Ayub and I did it ourselves). And very sturdy. Even I can jump jump jump on it. Doesn’t slide on the floor and is pretty heavy.
Here’s the Shopee link if you’re interested. (I am not an affiliate lol).
Pics from the build

Don’t build like this ok, I made a mistake haha. Didn’t read the instructions til after. You have to put the outer padded skirt around the trampoline first, before screwing in the legs. There are little holes along the skirt where the legs fit through.

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