I brought the kiddies to Alamanda Shopping Centre in Putrajaya over the weekend for a…
Playtime With Didi & Friends By ZooMoov At Alamanda Shopping Centre
Aisha loves Didi & Friends and was super excited to see this Playtime with Didi thing at Alamanda Shopping Centre. FYI this is going to be a really lazy bad writing kinda post so like don’t read if spelling and grammar ar importent tew yew.

Didi is broken
Aisha ran to Didi and jumped on. We paid. The lady was like pushing a button on Didi but he was broken. I was like this sucks. They only have three thingies to ride on. And one is broken. And they didn’t know. Sad.
Aisha jumped on Nana. Nana worked. Aisha was happy.
Happy Aisha on Nana
1. This is her first time riding one of these thingies by herself
What are they even called? Usually either Mr Ninja or I will sit on the back with her like at Dreamworld Playland.

2. So excited to vroooooom by herself


4. Had to be rescued after crashing into the escalator

5. I wish I was 3 years old again

6. Happy child

7. Love her

The rest of Playtime With Didi & Friends By ZooMoov is very sad
I didn’t even bother taking pictures. There are like 5 items of merch on sale. Dusty and sad. Some tiny tables with like stuff to colour or something. Hmm.
We went to Alamanda with the intention of buying a new dress for Aisha for Raya. It was partially successful in that we actually managed to get her to try one on, and is was no easy feat.

“This one is pretty!”
“I don’t like pretty.”
“How about this one?”
“I don’t like pink.”
“Let’s try this one!”
Finally found the plainest, simplest, blue dress I could. And she said it was nice.
But ultimately she was all “I AIN’T GON WEAR NO DRESS Y’ALL CAN’T MAKE ME.” So that was the end of that.

Never change Aish. You’re the best.
Playtime With Didi & Friends By ZooMoov At Alamanda Shopping Centre details
Lol look what they wrote on FB:
Banyak aktiviti menarik yang disediakan untuk anak-anak anda seperti naik rides Didi & Friends, mewarna, tengok lagu Didi & Friends dan macam-macam lagi.
Untuk naik Didi & Friends rides ini hanya RM10/ride. Kalau naik ketiga-tiga rides Didi, Nana, Jojo hanya RM20. Setiap hari ada tau!
Jom main Didi & Friends rides! Playtime with Didi & Friends – by Zoomoov sekarang 😀
Ibu bapa boleh bawa anak-anak naik rides Didi & Friends pada hujung minggu ini!
Hora Horey!
It’s so lame. Like. Don’t go there. Unless you happen to be in Alamanda. Bye.

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