Raya Haji at home with the family :) Just back from the masjid with the…
Ibrahim’s First Raya 2019 And A Bunch Of Not-So-Great Photos
I took 285 photos on the first day of Raya in the span of about 3 hours and this is the only nice-ish picture we got out of it:

Sulaiman couldn’t physically smile anymore. Ibrahim was done. Aisha was done. Ayub was beyond done. My nose looks extra potatoey.
Anyway, I don’t care. It was Ibrahim’s first Raya and all the kids looked adorable. Love them. Love love love love themmmmm.
The only smiley child left
Ibrahim is 4 months old and wearing a baju melayu onesie meant for 1 year olds. Chonky monkey.

Eventually the only smiley people left

Huawei filter hating on my eyebrows

Soya and cincau. Vanilla and chocolate. Milk and milo.
All my children look like me.

Aww I love this picture

“Greeting peasants! Bow down to me, your gentle chonky overlord, and I shall bless thee with dimpled slobber smooches.”

Chonky overlord is not happy

We all agreed to wear green this year except Ayub. He wanted to be in yellow.

The cookie monster

The brother and son and candy-crush-obsessed (yes, still!) father in the background

The stare-off

Laughing because Ah Ku keeps sitting on her

Tabung time

The accountant

Neat and organised always

Chonk too young for a bank account

The end.

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