I have loved the KL Bird Park since I first brought Ayub there when he…
The Perdana Botanical Gardens In KL Is The Kids’ New Favourite Place In The Whole Wide World
As part of the 10,000 step challenge thingy I had to do, I brought the kids to Taman Botani Perdana Kuala Lumpur and it was the best place ever???
Have I never????
Been here before??????

I’m so ashamed to say it was our first time and we were so like :OOOOOOOOOO
The place is gorgeous and huge and green and shady and wonderful! Taman Botani Perdana is massive. But together with Ibrahim, I managed to walk from the top right of that map, anti-clockwise around that lake, and back again. Phew.
It was a lot for Fatty Bom Bom and Fatty Mom Mom (<–dat me in case u din geddit).

Come I show you picturessssss:
1. We walked in through big gates and were met with an enormous playground

2. I made Ayub take fake ass pictures of me “walking” for this story



3. Then Ayub was like forget u mama u noob and off he went to the playground
Thank you sweet Sulaiman for posing for this picture you darling.

4. Fantasy Planet. Easily the most impressive children’s outdoor playground I have ever seen in Malaysia
Maybe we just need to get out more?

5. This is just a fraction of the playground

6. I couldn’t keep up with the three. The first bridge they saw and they were like cya later child bearer have a noice lyfe

7. I kept yelling at the boys to look after Aisha and Ayub was like blah blah blah spaceships insects blah blah Ayuuuuub are you listening to meeeeeeee???

8. And then they disappeared into an oblivion of fun

9. There are loads of slides and climbing things and bridges and crawly things

10. Seriously, this place is dope

11. There’s so much space to exploooore

12. If you have kids, just dump them here and they won’t even miss you

13. Ayub is forever the caring big brother. Sulaiman is nowhere to be found.

14. Sorry, are you bored of playground pictures already?

15. There have only been 15

16. Now 16

17. OHHHH I have to get Mr Ninja to send me this insane photo of Aisha. She climbed up a vertical tube from the ground all the way up to that spiral thing.

18. Sulaiman is not about that climbing-3-storeys-up-a-vertical-tube-life, so I paid the bubble man RM5 for a bowl of bubbles

19. The bubbles quickly summoned the daredevil who immediately set her sights on destroying Sulaiman’s fun

20. Aaaaaand it wasn’t long before I had to shell out another RM5 for another bowl of bubbles because someone small and very strong-willed doesn’t like to share

21. Easy-going chonk is the Yang to Aisha’s Yin

22. Anyway, the kids had no interest in joining on my quest to reach 10,000 steps because playground

23. So Ibrahim and I went for a walk

24. The botanical gardens is a place of happiness man. This couple were having their pre-wedding pictures taken.

25. These people were, I dunno, dancing? Exercising? Practising for something awesome? Definitely enjoying themselves.

26. Big open spaces everywhere with families having picnics and playing football and frisbee

27. There was some fun run thing happening all morning

28. And when we reached one of the gardens I was like OMG SO NAIS but got no one to take pictures of us so I just took Ibrahim by himself

29. Best baby ever.

30. There’s a river and bridge behind him but also he’s like mama staphhh…


31. We made it around the lake

32. Side profile Ibrahim is satisfied with his Sunday morning work out

33. Then we got to this weird looking thingy

34. And it was nice and cooling and shady and kids were rollerblading and cycling and it was lovely

35. There are a lot of really cool structures but Ibrahim wasn’t in the mood for pictures anymore but trust me when I saw there are a lot of really cool structures

36. Sulaiman doesn’t like taking pictures but look how happy he is here! UNDENIABLE proof that Taman Botani Perdana KL is the happiest place in Malaysia.

37. Also, watch this video of Ibrahim playing with the zoom of my phone
Ya ok, I thought I took better pictures of the rest of the botanical gardens but I guess I didn’t
But legit, it’s beautiful. Everyone there is happy. Joggers, runners, cyclists, walkers. Kids, teens, adults, seniors. Picnickers, artists, tourists, families, singles. Whether you wanna exercise, play, or just relax.
Taman Botani Perdana KL is where it’s at y’all. Oh, I just Googled and it’s actually called Perdana Botanical Gardens. Whatever.
Location: Jalan Kebun Bunga, Tasik Perdana, 55100 Kuala Lumpur,
Opening hours: 7am-8pm
Free admission.
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