We saw the giant signboard for Harimau Mini Golf outside Sunway Nexis and Sulaiman asked…
Here’s What Sunway Putra Mall Did To Be The Only Autism-Friendly Mall In Malaysia
Sunway Putra Mall became the first (of hopefully many) autism-friendly malls in Malaysia.

I was skeptical at first, and it’s not 100% perfect, but it’s a start. I can imagine people who don’t have loved ones on the spectrum are like, what’s the big deal and why do we have to change our lifestyle to suit the needs of a few individuals?
But yeah. Small considerations go a long way to helping everyone feel included.
Sunway Putra Mall is “autism-friendly” only on Tuesdays from 10am-5pm
Still not that inclusive imo. Small steps, I suppose.

Here’s what it means to Sunway Putra Mall to be autism-friendly:
- Lower volume over their speakers (I think they can just do without music tbh, who even looks forward to mall music?)
- Dimmed lights (I like that)
- Special discounts and privileges to certain shops and restaurants for families with the blue “Autsome is Awesome” wristband (sign up for free at the concierge)
- This includes free entry to The Parenthood (an indoor playground)
What I like the most though, is the autism awareness that Sunway Putra Mall is championing. I think that’s the best. Whether they set out to be a marketing gimmick doesn’t matter because they’ve received so much publicity on the cause that it really helps families of autism.

I really like all the posters throughout the mall that explains autism (albeit in very simplistic and broad terms). It’s definitely a stepping stone towards a more informed public, which can only be a positive thing.

There are sensory walls throughout the mall
With lots of different shapes, colours, and textures, it’s definitely a happy and calming place for Ayub. The other kiddies love it too though they don’t really get it.

And there are two Calm Rooms in the mall for kids to relax if they get overwhelmed or have a meltdown

All in all a very positive experience for us as a special needs family
I wish it was on Sundays, rather than Tuesdays. I mean, even just for half a day. I guess it’s not possible yet. But maybe, one day.
Thanks Sunway Putra Mall! We’re looking forward to more autism-friendly initiatives in the future <3
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