Working from home during the Restricted Movement Order has been a challenge. But the worst…
10 Things To Do With The Kids During The Restricted Movement Order
Stressed over the thought of bringing the kids out? Not sure what to do this school holidays? Kids very annoying stuck at home and you dowan to talk to them? Hahaha. Me too! Kiddinggggg…
Nah, here’s what you can do. You can do, I won’t do. We’ll probs just be watching Netflix all day.
1. Cook with the kids

It’s an important life skill to learn. Plus they learn about nutrition, maths, science, and might actually eat vegetables if they prepared the dish themselves. Works for mine, except the 4yo. She’s picky picky skinny ikan bilis child.
2. Basic gardening

Fresh air, physical exercise, appreciation of plants, and less weeds for you. Plus, insects. 11yo loves insects. Million and one questions about insects. Can’t answer? Google together.
3. House chores
Now more than ever. Great time to teach them good hygiene and cleanliness. Vacuuming, folding laundry, washing dishes, wiping surfaces, making beds.
4. Watch documentaries

Astro, Netflix, YouTube. Cool documentaries on every topic you can think of. Our favourite is “Our Planet.” Netflix. So so good.
5. Write a journal
One page a day. Depending on the individual. My 8yo loves to write what he ate for the day. “Today I ate rice and chicken AGAIN!!! It was too salty.” It’s a very cute journal. Quite harsh in criticism too. Future Gordon Ramsay perhaps.
6. Arts and crafts

Aisha’s body is her canvas. Paint and paper. The easiest. Let them create. Teach them how to clean up after. Lol. I gave 11yo a task to sketch 10 items in the house. His drawings are amazing. Later I share haha.
7. Online schooling resources
Khan Academy, easypeasy homeschool, starfall, more.
8. Subscription schooling resources
We tried Time4Learning, ABCmouse, Click n Spell, and more.
9. More online schooling (pay per course)
Udemy, master class, outschooled, Shaw academy, more.
10. Read books, write book reports
1 hour reading a day or whenever. Show them how to write a book report. Title, author, synopsis, review, star rating. 11yo reports are very short but he’s very proud of them. 8yo is a massive bookworm. 4yo loves picture books. 1yo loves eating books. We love books.

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