Hi, I'm Sulaiman. I am 4 years old. My favourite colour is red. My favourite…
Hello 7th Blog Post!!! (made by Sulaiman)
Hi again! From now on i’m not gonna introduce every single blog post i made. Sorry. It’s just too long. It literally takes up half of my blog post now. I found that on my sixth blog post. Umm… I think i should at least let you see it instantly just by tapping on them. (of course just in this blog post)
Do you want to see my fifth blog post or my fourth? Or maybe my third? How about my second one? Oh, please don’t go to my embarrassing one please?
Are you wondering why I didn’t put my 6th one in that paragraph? Because it’s at the top! Wait, aren’t we already at the top? I meant THE top. Yup. THE top.
Today I have some questions for you. Wait a minute, what type of questions? I have no idea. Hold on i’m thinking. Okay, that took a WHOLE minute to figure out. AHH THE SUN WENT DARK!!!! Okay, maybe I was overreacting. But whatever. Oh, and the topic is size. That’s right. Size. I learned another size. Yoctometers. Or was it Yoktometers? I’m going for yoctometers. And we’re doing big and small stuff okay?
Q1: What is the smallest size?
- A: Zeptometers
- B: Attometers
- C: Parsecs
- D: Yoctometers
Oh, and comment down below what you think is the answer.
- Q2: What is the biggest thing?
- A: The Barrel
- B: Multiverse
- C: Exaverse
- D: Barrelplexianth
Q3: What is the smallest thing?
- A: Planck Length
- B: Quark
- C: Gluon
- D: String Length
LAST QUESTION: Get out of here.
Haha. The real last question was Q3. Oh, and remember Roblox? Sadly, I don’t play Mow My Lawn 2 anymore. Instead, I play Crushing Simulator. I have some progress in that game. Before, I was an ordinary human. And I literally got 2 million strength. And then I became an ogre. You have no idea how long it took to become an ogre.
Maybe I can end it here for now. I’ll continue tomorrow. Sorry everyone. And…bye.

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