My amazing colleague and friend who is my go-to travel girl created an itinerary for…
I’m Back After My JB Legoland Trip Hooray! (Part 1)
Hi everyone! It’s been like, five days. The reason of why it took so long to come back was because I came back home at like 4:45pm 3/1/2021. And I really liked to stay at Legoland for 1 day and 1 night. It was really fun. I wished that I could’ve stayed longer. Sigh… well at least I went there. Oh also it was my first time. And I got the pirate room yayayayayayay! I got a treasure hunt to do. It was really fun. We got the code but we didn’t put it on the vault correctly. We put it sideways lol. And then Ayah put it correctly. And do you know what we got? Lego!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and Aisha got a cat and a dog. And Ayub got a boy and a girl. The boy had a skateboard. And rammed his girlfriend lol. And then both of them died somehow.

Ooh it’s a new paragraph. Cool. That paragraph was getting wayyyyyyy too long. Also I’m listening to The Among Us Rap Battle 2 (1 Hour) while making this. It’s a nice song. But that link is not the 1 hour version. So go and check out the cool music that NerdOut has on their YouTube channel. Ok let’s start part 1.
Day 1: The coming to JB
Chapter 1: The morning
Ahh, such a nice morning! I woke up early so that I could have breakfast early. And mandi and sing for no reason early. I had a light breakfast. A super light breakfast. I had a chocolate muffin. It was delicious. I went upstairs to mandi. By the time I finished showering I saw that Ayub was awake. He was still in bed though. So I tell him to go and have a muffin for breakfast. And then he goes downstairs for a muffin. Everyone else were still sleeping. And I knew we would arrive at 7:30 ’cause we were gonna hit the road at 3:30pm. So I waited and waited… until everyone was awake. And Anti Ayu just arrived. And then Aisha and Ibby went downstairs. I thought they were gonna watch TV but instead they also ate some muffins. Huh. I guess everyone is hyped to go to Legoland. Well that’s not a surprise. I thought. And then I started watching TV instead.
Chapter 2: The playing with the phone
I went upstairs and asked Mama if I could play with the phone. She just said go and play with the phone. So that’s exactly what I did. I played Blob with Aisha once again. What? I like playing Blob with Aisha. And when it was 11:00am Ayah told us to come follow him to the car. I asked him where we were going but he said we were going to the car. Sigh… I guess I’ll just have to find out later…
Chapter 3: Making our car a better car
Umm that sounds weird. Basically we fixed the car. It took a long time. So we went to go have lunch. Without Mama because she stayed home. Because she was doing work. And after lunch we went back to the car fixer thing. Or whatever it’s called. A garage? Idk. And it was still taking a long time so we bought some ice cream. Yum yum yum yum yuuuuuuuuuuuuum. That hit the spot. We all had triple coned ice cream. Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum. And then our car was ready. They test drived it to make sure it was in tip-top shape. And then we went back home. And then I played with the PC. And then we went to JB. And then ate dinner. And then we slept.
part 1 is now finished yay. bye everyone.
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