Today I received an email from Babycenter to congratulate me on reaching the 6 month mark…
Look At This Tiny Kuih-Muih Charm Bracelet I Got From TinyPinc Miniatures!
I realise I’m always asking you to look at things coz SO MANY of my headlines are like Look At This, Look At That, Look Here. But for real though. You have to LOOK AT THIS MINI KUIH-MUIH CHARM BRACELET I GOT FROM TINYPINC!
I love TinyPinc. I wrote about her work before and I went ALL THE WAY to RIUH just to buy her tiny kuih-muih magnet. Worth it.
Anyway, there was some drama. Read Tammy’s story here. And I was UPSET. So I went and bought a bunch of tiny things from TinyPinc’s Shopee page!
Look look look!

I bought five tiny charms but TinyPinc sent me six ðŸ˜

I got a lil green onde-onde, smol pink iced gem, the classic kuih lapis, super detailed kuih angkoo (the best kuih in the woooooorld), teeny seri muka, and she sent me that tiny taiyaki FOC.
See my fat fingers for size reference

I also bought a bracelet chain to put all my cute widdle charms on

Do u love it. I love it.
So geram aaaaarrrghhhh!

The iced gem comes in five different colours by the way. Now I wanna go and make a bracelet entirely out of iced gems. And yong tau foo.
Aaaaaand the angku kuih comes in EIGHT different colours. Omg. You would not believe how long it took for me to decide on the orange.
Now I feel like ordering kuih for buka.
By the way, this is one of my fave places to order kuih from. They have AMAZING Nyonya kuih all made fresh every morning. So many different colours and flavours of angku kuih.
I’m not a jewellery person, but I am a TinyPinc charm bracelet person

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