I'm not a therapist, I'm just a mom. Based on my reading and speaking with…
They May Not Seem Like They’re Listening, But They Are
Can I just show you how cute Ayub is?
I just recently got him a phone with a fixed plan. He asked me why. I told him it was because I worried about him when he went to school, because I couldn’t be with him (and his school is really far away).
But if he had a phone then I feel a bit better because I know he can always call or message me if he needs me. And because I put a family GPS tracker on our phones so we can always see where the other is. (His previous school transporter was not very reliable and there were some… incidents).
Ayub didn’t seem bothered, and overall appeared to be uninterested in the conversation.
Then the next day, while I was at the office, I received these messages. He didn’t want me to worryyyyyyy
Haihhh… Sometimes it feels like I’m talking to myself. It feels like he’s not paying attention. Or even making an effort to listen. But really is.
He absolutely takes in everything he hears. Just that his immediate reaction is different from a neurotypical person, and often, there’s no reaction at all.
But make no mistake, this kiddo. He’s listening. And he cares.

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