Prem found an article about the Texting Championship held annually in the US. A kid won $50,000…
I Suppose We Should Keep Celebrating World Autism Day
Happy World Autism Day!
Such a cliché thing to have a dedicated day for something seen as “other”.
This pic was taken almost 12 years ago. Ayub was 8 months old and I was 22 years old.
My mum always said I was a baby with a baby.
The early years were tough. I was on my own with little support. None of us knew that Ayub was on the autism spectrum. We didn’t even know there was such thing as an autism spectrum.
His outbursts and meltdowns were blamed on my poor parenting.
Even as a baby he displayed behaviours that are different from neurotypicals..Looking back, it’s so obvious now. But at the time I was clueless.
That’s why, as cliché as it is, I believe World Autism Day is important..Not just to celebrate those on the spectrum. But to also educate those who may know nothing about it. Just like 22yo me.
I hope with greater awareness comes even greater acceptance.
And one day, autism will no longer be seen as something “other”. But rather, something that simply is.

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