Raya Haji at home with the family :) Just back from the masjid with the…
Hari Raya 2020: Small And Colourful During MCO
With CMCO still in place, Raya was very small this year. Just Mr Ninja, the kids, my parents, and my brother. I enjoyed the tiny gathering but definitely miss my nieces and nephews, as well as Mr Ninja’s family in Johor 🙁
Stupid coronavirus.
Anyway, just wanted to post pics for me to remember. You can ignore this post more than you already do with other posts. Huhu. Click on an ad before you leave love u.
1. The first to wake up and get ready
Handsome Lil Chonk dressed in POKOKS Chinese New Year collection haha. Love the Mandarin collar and popping colours.

2. Big hair don’t care
He looks like a clown. My only curly wurly haired baby.

3. Baby girl who couldn’t decide between yellow or pink, so opted for “RAINBOW”
Every other Raya pic I saw this year had someone in this pattern. POKOKS for the win! So cute and colourful, for adults and children <3

4. These two LOVE colour
The more colourful the better. Sulaiman in Ayub’s old baju melayu top with new pants and sampin from… POKOKS. Haha.

5. Look at this sweetheart! She cut her own bangs hahaha

6. Getting ready to go to my parents’ house
Aisha rocking her lil face mask.

7. One with just me and the kiddies
Ayub got a new sampin from POKOKS and is wearing his old baju melayu from TWO years ago. See, Mr Ninja always complaining that I buy clothes too big for the kids. He always insists on getting just the right size. They GROW y’all.
Especially baju melayu. Buy big big and let them grow into it. They only wear it like twice in one year.

8. I tried to make Ramadan and Raya as special as possible despite the pandemic
This is the first time EVER in 33 years that I made the effort to bake cookies and treats with the kids, as well as making lontong on Raya day for the whole family.

9. Actually a nice pic of the whole family <3
Previous years have always featured one blurred kid, one sulking kid, and one screaming-her-lungs-out kid.
Also, do you love my baju Kedah from Nyonya Kain? I love it so much! So pretty. Am on a batik obsessed trip right now haha.

10. The new normal

11. Big Chonk and Lil Chonk

12. Handsome man in baju melayu from 4 years ago
We were pink for Aisha’s first raya.

13. First time out of the house after more than 2 months for me and the kids
Best car ride ever. Everyone was bursting with excitement just to be out of the house and in a car haha.

14. So nice to be anywhere but our own house for a change

15. I love these boys

16. I love this man
See my pretty outfit!

17. This is the billionth pic I tried to get of the four kids together
Honestly, this is the best one.

18. Team Yellow

19. With my girl!

20. With my mama!

21. My mum always wanted three sons, but she got three grandsons from me instead
Infinitely more fun! They’re all spoilt rotten by her haha.

22. The youngest cucu

23. With Aunty Marta

24. Food

25. These two cuties

26. Trying to teach him how to do the peace sign

27. Adorable

28. Teeny weeny face mask

29. Duit raya time

30. I’m getting tired of uploading pictures now

31. I’m gonna end this post soon

32. Awww I love this picture

33. Even the duit raya packets from POKOKS are pretty

34. Meh

35. Sweet boy

36. So handsome

37. Beautiful

38. Love this silly picture

39. Awww we’re all smiling here

40. Almost done

41. Fat happy baby

42. Still practising his peace sign

43. Just realised I tied my kain wrong but I don’t care. Still love it.

44. Brother and baby and me

45. Finally nailed the peace sign ^_^

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