I regret not doing this for the boys. But never mind. Here's my baby girl.…
Aisha’s First Gymnastics Class At Flipper Roo In Kota Damansara
Aisha has been asking for gymnastics class for a few weeks so I signed her up for a trial class at Flipper Roo in Kota Damansara.

She was sooooo excited the whole week leading up to the class. Every day she would talk about gymnastics class, and do her stretches and splits and tumbles and jumps and sprints. Then she would watch gymnastics videos on YouTube. She was pumped.
The trial class was on Saturday
Aisha was getting nervous about her gymnastics class because on Saturday morning she said she didn’t want to go anymore. Then Mr Ninja was like “lesgooooo” and she happily hopped into the car.
We got to Flipper Roo and it’s super spacious and clean and cute

Aisha started to freak out at the door but still took of her shoes and socks.
We went in. Aisha stuck to my leg. We played at the tiny playground while the bigger kids wrapped up their class.

Aisha was so scared she couldn’t even play at the tiny playground and she loves tiny playgrounds like LOVES TINY PLAYGROUNDS.
Slowly Aisha went up the slide. Then on the see-saw. Then on another see-saw. Very cautiously. Very nervously.

Then it was time for gymnastics class to start
There were two or three other little girls there. Her instructor called her over.
Aisha freaked the fuck out. She screamed.
I said we can just sit together and watch and she doesn’t have to join the class. Aisha screamed NO.
I said I will follow her and do the class with her. Aisha screamed NOOOO!
I asked if she wants to stay. Aisha screamed NOOOO!!
I said let’s go home and play. Aisha screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
Haihhh… That went on for less than 5 minutes but it felt like forever haha. I totally blame Mr Ninja for tagging along and getting all stressed out and embarrassed and angry over Aisha screaming like that. Honestly, I just wanted to go alone with Aisha and chill and relax and watch the other kids do gymnastics. I knew she would be scared and nervous and shy. Because AISHA IS MY MINI-ME. It’s exactly how I would have acted.
In the end I dragged her out of Flipper Roo because she was just so disruptive and disturbing all the other kids that just wanted to have fun and do gymnastics. And because Mr Ninja had walked out. Silly ol’ Mr Ninja.
And Aisha was wearing her favourite t-shirt that she really believes gives her superpowers because she’s The Flash

When we got home, my mum asked Aisha how class was. Aisha was silent. My mum asked what she learned. “I didn’t learn anything,” Aisha replied. How come? “I was so scared. I was too scared to learn anything.”
Later that evening she told me she was so scared to do gymnastics. So I told her it’s ok, we can try again when she’s older if she wants. Then she said, “I want to try ONE MORE TIME.” And Mr Ninja was like -_-
So we’re going again this Saturday wish us luuuuuck see this picture of Ibrahim!

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