Here's a super simplified explanation of what the autism spectrum looks like: Just to…
Autism Is Neither A Blessing Nor A Curse. It Just Is.
When people find out Ayub is autistic, they usually respond in two ways.
- “But he doesn’t look autistic.”
- “I’m sorry, I’m sure he’ll get better soon.”
I mean, I know they mean well… but.
- Autism doesn’t have a “look.” It’s a spectrum and those on it are as unique and individual as any ol’ neurotypical.
- Autism isn’t an illness or a disease. There is no “cure” and there doesn’t need to be.
But there’s another way that people respond, and although it’s really with the best intentions, I feel it can be quite problematic. And that’s to say that I’m so lucky because I gave birth to an angel.
Aaaahhhhhh…. nooooooooo…
He’s was a human baby, who’s now a human pre-teen, and will eventually become a human adult. InshaAllah. He’s lovely and flawed and wonderful and terrible. And absolutely not an angel.
All I’m trying to say is that autism is neither a curse nor a blessing. It just is.
And the neurodiverse shouldn’t be confined to a label or put on a pedestal. They just are.
Anyway. I brought home a box of diapers for the 1yo yesterday and Ayub asked if he could have the box. I was like ya sure. And he’s been in it ever since. Because he likes it.
Trust me. Not every autistic person in the world enjoys watching TV while eating a banana in a box. That’s just Ayub.

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