I don't consider myself a helicopter parent but I very much shelter Ayub and treat…
Ayub’s Super Simple Recipe For Scrambled Eggs
Since I’ve been learning to let go and allowing Ayub more independence, I asked him to make breakfast for the family. “I have a great recipe for scrambled eggs!” said Ayub. So here it is:
Ayub’s Recipe for Scrambled Eggs
Me: How many eggs do we need for this recipe Ayub?
Ayub: 10.
Me: That’s too many.
Ayub: Ok, maybe 1.
Me: There are 5 of us who want to eat eggs this morning.
Ayub: Hmm… how about 9 and a half.
Me: Ok, we’re just going to do 4 eggs ok?
Ayub: OK!
Yes, I know, I still have a long way to go before I fully ‘let go.’ But there is no way I’m letting him cook 10 eggs for breakfast. Please.
Ingredients by Ayub:
- 10 or 1 or 9 and a half eggs depending on how many or whatever you want
- salt and pepper
- butter
Utensils by Ayub:
- frying pan
- flipperpan (i.e. spatula)
- no, no, not that flipperpan. It has to be the wooden one because metal will damage the frying pan.
- wooden spoon/spatula/flipperpan
- whisker (i.e. whisk. But we don’t have a whisk so Ayub used a fork)
Instructions by Ayub:
1.First you have to open the eggs by smashing it on the bowl but only on the side like small smash otherwise it will smash everywhere. Like this:
2. Then you take a whisker and you whisk it until it’s all mixed together. And you can put the salt and the pepper but not too much otherwise it will be too salt and pepper. Just a little bit. Not so little bit. A bit more. Like that.
3. Next you put the butter in the frying pan and you put the heat on but not too hot and not too cold like just in the between. (You mean medium, Ayub?) No not medium, like medium but hot but not too hot like in the middle.
4. Wait for all the butter to melt then you put the eggs inside and you stir stir stir and mix together but like not so crazy otherwise it’s dangerous so just like a little bit and slow and safe.
5. And then when it’s like all cooked you can take it out and eat it and it’s nice.
The verdict from the judges
Aisha says, “EGG!”
Sulaiman says, “Look Mama, I’m a duck egg bread!”
Thank you for breakfast Ayub! <3
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