Sulaiman was 6 months and 1 week old last week. So he had his first…
Baby’s first tooth!
After weeks of chewing on his fingers, sucking on his gums and sticking his tongue out, a tooth has arrived!! Sulaiman has been a little cranky, but because he’s such a good-natured baby, his crankiness is really short-lived and he continues to smile through his complaints. Adorabaaaaalls! Yesterday evening he bit the maid and she felt some sharpness. Checked his gum, and there was a teeny-tiny jagged edge at the bottom 🙂
Sulaiman is an early bird. Woke up when I was about to go to work at 4.30am this morning. Had a little photo session. He is so smiley and cute. I love him so much.
Meanwhile, Ayub refused to wear a diaper last night and slept through without wetting the bed for the first time. I hope. I dunno. When I left for work he was still dry but fast asleep. We shall see…
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