It's shit. I feel like shit. Everything is shitty. I am a sad shit. The…
Being 5 Weeks Pregnant Is Just As Bad As 4 Weeks But At Least I Know What’s Up
So. I was super unhappy last week. I mean, of course, spiritually and all I’m super happy because there’s a tiny sesame seed growing in my tummy. But when you spend the whole day feeling awful, it’s just awful. Hah.
Anyway, 5 weeks is pretty much the same as 4 weeks. I wake up in the morning like “ah what a beautiful day!” and 30 seconds later I’m groaning and nauseous and ready to barf up whatever could possibly be left in my belly from the day before.
At least this week has been a bit better because I know I’m pregnant. Week 4, you have no idea what’s happening. You think it’s just old age and impending death. But it’s actually a baby.

Aisha found my lipstick.
I got my stash of peppermint tea to help with the trapped wind. Tried and tested since I was pregnant with Ayub. I bought new maternity pants with the giant pouch, all soft and stretchy and comfy. Goodbye jeans, hope to squeeze back into you next year. Got myself a cotton maternity bra that looks like a sports bra and it was THE BEST when I put it on in the changing room so I bought it but now it’s already too tight because my boobs are growing exponentially and are soon going to be larger than my head.

Sulaiman helping with the weekly grocery list.
What else. Oh, I got my Campbell’s soup for the evenings because it’s the easiest thing to puke up. Oh yeah. So prepared.
We do groceries every weekend like normal people. Omg it was the worst. Everything smelled SO BAD. Especially when you get to the produce section. I was just gagging the whole time. Aisha looked at me very concerned, scrunched up her face, and said, “eee so smewwy! yukki poo poo!” And she would point at things and people and called them smelly yucky poo poo. She’s the best. She makes me feel better all the time.
The other day I was puking in the toilet and she stood behind me and said, “Mama wattudoin?” Puking, baby. “Wat happoned?” I’m not feeling well, baby. And she walked in and stood underneath me and stuck her head in the toilet to see what I was looking at. I had to push her away to continue puking. But it made me laugh all the same. Silly child.
Hmm what else. Oh, I walked to the car park in my building and was instantly hit by that stinky car park smell and puked on the spot. Sorry car park people. Really, truly, very sorry. But there were no dustbins or toilets around. And it was honestly an instant knee-jerk kinda reaction. Ugh.
Morning sickness with this sesame seed has been the worst of all my pregnancies. Throughout the day. From the moment I wake up til the moment I fall asleep. Oh man. I wonder if it’s gonna be two sesame seeds instead of just one. Would explain the severity of the symptoms. Double the power. Haihhh… Ok that’s all. Check back next week bye.

Ayub build a seabed or something for school.
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