On the way to Dataran Merdeka, the Pagi Rock Crew danced non-stop with the hopes…
Come See Aisha’s Super Awesome Journal It’s THE BEST
I gave Aisha a new journal. Her eyes lit up. It has a unicorn on the cover. Ever since, she’s been journaling every morning and it’s the cutest thing.

Aisha started preschool in January, at the age of 4
This is kinda considered a bit late in Malaysia. But I think it’s ok. Prior to this she just chilled out at home. Doing her own thing. She LOVES preschool.
In any case, she entered preschool without knowing how to hold a pencil, let alone reading or writing. She could count to 10 and sing the alphabet but that’s about it.
I am not the flashcards tuition homework kinda mama. Haha.
Practising fine motor skills, creativity, and writing through journals

Like, she can hold the pencil properly. I had to help correct her a bit at the beginning. But now she’s a pro.
Aisha learned how to write her own name. Even though she struggles with “the wriggly one.”
This is the very first page of her journal. It is my plant and her name. I helped her with the wriggly one.

The next page is her practising the wriggly one. So cute I cannot.

She’s been drawing non-stop and it’s honestly the best thing in the world???
A monkey, a duck, and a dog on a leash.

Then one morning she started giggling and asked me, “Mama, have you ever seen a man with green skin?”

Look how sad he is! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
There are self-portraits…
“Because the hair always go in my eye!”

This alien bread head man (because his head looks like bread obviously)

Me cooking an egg

A swirly worm

This is me holding baby Aisha

My personal favourite, a portrait of Mr Ninja lmao
Look at the moustache! She calls it a “moushmash.”

Then my brother commissioned some art from her. To draw his cats.
This is Cat.

This is Chips.

Now behold, Aisha’s artwork


And from there she learned how to spell and write ‘CAT’

Her postcards are now full of ‘AISHA’ and ‘CAT’
Aisha is the best. The end.
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