Do I Still Have To Pay Full School Fees And Transporter Fees During MCO?

Yo. I’ve been seeing this question non-stop on my social media feeds. There is a simple answer to this.

If the fees are already part of your monthly budget and you’re still getting full salary, pay the goddamn fees

Because those fees pay for nursery/kindy costs, rent, bills, and the teachers’ and staff salaries. If I don’t pay fees and that means my child’s teacher cannot afford food, how like that?

Seriously people. Stop being so calculative and kedekut.

Parents demanding replacement classes for kindergarten

I mean. It’s nice I guess. If the kindy offers it. But it totally never crossed my mind to have replacement class. For a 3-year-old. So they can practise colouring? I don’t know.

Aisha really really misses school a lot. So we’ve been journaling at home, doing online learning, fixing puzzles, and doing lots of art.

Times are hard for everyone. But they’re even harder for some. These people rely on your fees for their livelihood. I’m talking basic shelter, food, bills, and necessities.

Childcare, babysitters, domestic helpers, cleaners. If their salary is already in your budget to pay every month, just pay them please?

Especially transporters.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think for transporters, the only income they receive is the transportation fees that you pay.

Yes, your kids are not going to school. But really, it’s already part of your household budget to pay for the transporter. Just pay them lah. Right?

I have three kids going to three different schools.

TBH we live paycheck to paycheck. But alhamdulillah I budgeted so I can pay for the services we need. I have enough. And that enough means I can still afford to pay the transporters. So I pay. Just pay. Guys, just pay your transporters.

Some people are deducting based on “mileage and petrol.” Omg please.

If you’re on forced unpaid leave, then of course, that’s a different story

I am very very lucky to have a job I can do from home. Extra extra lucky to get my normal full pay at the end of the month.

Not everyone is so lucky.

If you’re not getting full pay, then speak to the schools and the transporters and let them know. And work something out.

Ok very ranty. Just frustrated. Let’s be grateful. Let’s be kind. Let’s help each other when we can.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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