Fly FM is the FIRST radio station to play the original song PSY – Gangnam Style, a month ago. You can watch the Pagi Rock Crew freakin out the first time we aired it here. We were first. Us. Fly FM.
Anyhoo, Hafiz and I wrote the lyrics to Super Kampung Style about 2 weeks ago, it was recorded in a day across all shifts by the amazing Keith, our production engineer, and the video was shot over 2 days in 50 million different locations.
Prem and Hafiz in their ‘kampung’ clothes |
Our original video was taken down after 2 hours because certain people are chicken shit. It’s a shame. I loved it. Here’s the re-edited, censored, family-friendly, universal, non-edgy, non-controversial version:
There is also an un-recorded, un-produced uncensored version of the original lyrics as written by Hafiz and I, which include stupidly prejudice lyrics against certain groups of foreigners, a lot of swearing, distasteful toilet humor and plenty of crap that would get us sued and fired and sued some more. Haha. Never to see the light of day, but I do love the dirty version 😉
We trended on and off the whole morning and still trending now with different wording. Very cool. This marks the 18th time #pagirockcrew have trended 🙂

Here are the clean lyrics, if you’re interested:
Zher & Ivan
Everybody wants to come to the city
For the promise of bling and lots and lots of money
What they don’t realize is that it’s noisy and hazy
And a 5 minute trip becomes a 5 hour journey.
But in your kampong,
You can wear sarong
Anywhere you go oh
Everybody knows oh
In your kampong,
Lepak kat lorong
You can go
Everybody knows
You can pancing, pull the pacat, panjat pokok, gotong royong
Abe & Prem:
Super kampong style
Prem & Ben:
Ehhhh…. nenek molek eh eh eh eh eh
Ehhhh… sexy monyet ooh ooh ooh ooh
In Kelate, we say huk alohh bakpomu natebeghuk But don’t say that coz u might kena tumbuk
Wo mahder’s from Kampo
And we got excellent Kai Chai Peng
They’re funny looking biscuits made for humans out of chicken
Fabes & Prem
Dei macha, Klang is our kampong in the city
Dei macha, we got cheap tires and great bkt
Dei macha, our kampong is as big as a country
Dei macha, say it, dei macha.
Coz in your kampong,
You can wear sarong
Anywhere you go oh
Everybody knows oh
In your kampong,
Lepak kat lorong
You can go
Everybody knows
You can mandi sungai, panjat kerbau, main lastic, gotong royong
I don’t know, US is my kampong yo, we eat burrito, what is sambal telor? Naw I love Terengganno, we eat k’ropok lekor
Super kampong style
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