Just because I didn't go to medical school, it doesn't mean I'm stupid. And just…
I am stupid.
This morning I was packing my bags to come to work. Handbag. Breast pump and bottles bag. Laptop bag. Made sure I had my phone charger because the phone died during the night. Check. Check. Check. And check.
Came to work. Wanted to make a phone call. Ah but wait. Where’s my phone? Where? In my handbag? In my breast pump bag?
GODAMMIT. Forgot it at home.
So la la la la… Went on with work. Needed to go to the little girls’ room. Went to the little girls’ room. Then *ker-plack!* Et voila. My phone smack on the floor. Am I stupid or what? The damn phone was in my pocket the whole time. C’est tout.
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