Hunny Madu is now 5 months pregnant alhamdulillah! And I am loving her baby bump.…
I Gave Away All The Baby Stuff & Got Pregnant Again :’)
Ibrahim is supposed to the last baby. I’ve referred to him as the last baby since he was in my tummy. Guess he will not be the last baby. Unless this baby becomes the last last baby. Final baby. Babyfinalfinalfinal5.png.
I gave away all my maternity things. All the breastfeeding, breast pumping, milk keeping things. All the baby clothes and blankets and bedsheets and tiny pillows and bolsters. The playpen. The baby carrier. The ring sling. I love that ring sling so much. Didn’t need it coz wasn’t gonna have anymore babies.
All the booties and mittens and beanies.
Baby car seats. Bouncy chair. Bottle sterilizer. Carrier bag.
Last week I bled. Figured it was my period. Slapped on a pad and went about my day. When I checked a couple hours later, no blood. Hm. Ok. Periods are weird.
Next day, still not a drop.
Am I spotting? Give the husband angry glares.
Wait a couple days. Mention that maybe I should take a pregnancy test. Give the husband angry words.
Period is 4 days late? Got a pregnancy test from Grab Mart lol.
Hands freakin shaking. Can’t even open the stupid plastic to get the pee stick out.
I knew it would be positive before it turned positive. And it was positive. Omaigot. Surprise baby. Surprise pandemic baby. Surprise pandemic accident baby. And I have no more baby things.
We have to start all over again. After so many years of tiny humans. We were done. You know? I was done. Finally able to sleep 8 hours straight without a little person waking me for cuddles or boobies. I could do things on my own without a smol parasite stuck to me, screaming for me, wanting to be held by me.
And work. And money. And time. And so many many things.
Oh well.

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