Ibrahim Is Three Months Old! Milestones.

I wasn’t going to blog much about the baby but I recently found all the super old posts on this blog about teeny weeny baby Sulaiman and it got me right in the feels.

I used to blog about the most mundane things. Like Sulaiman discovering his tongue or scratching his face or his favourite toy. Hahahaha. So cute.

So anyway, expect more random mundane posts about Ibrahim. Sorry Aisha, nothing for you.

Milestone #1: Smiles when you talk to him like a little goofball

3 month baby milestones

Milestone #2: Holds his head up by himself and always looks mildly concerned

3 month baby milestones

Milestone #3: Babbles non-stop and laughs (but like a weird tiny baby laugh like a noisy inhale)

Milestone #4: Maintains eye contact and tracks you across the room while looking like a potato

3 month baby milestones

Milestone #5: Able to suck on his paws and has (kinda, very badly, not at all actually) control of his arms and legs

3 month baby milestones

Milestone #6: He fat

3 month baby milestones

As of his 3 month visit to the clinic for his vaccination jab, Ibrahim is 6.8kg. Little chonky baby.

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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