Happy birthday my dear Prem. You are 29. That is old. That is nearly 30.…
Ibrahim Turns Two Years Old And He’s So Cute And Smart
Ibrahim turned 2! I can’t believe how fast time flies. He used to be my Mr Teeny Weeny. Then my Lil Chonk. And now? He’s a chitty chatty, curly wurly, bouncy, manja, Smol Boi.

Ibrahim has spent half his life at home. Poor dude. I bought him his first pair of baby sneakers from Bata in February 2020, when he was still wobbly on his feet. He learned to walk during MCO 1.0 at home.
Now one year later, he’s grown out of his baby sneakers, which he never even had the opportunity to wear. Sed.
But it’s ok. He’s healthy and full of joy. Ish. This is supposed to be a happy post.

Ibrahim is a little sponge that soaks up everything

He knows his ABCs and 123s and animals and shapes and colours. He says things like “T-Rex” and “triceratops” and, his favourite, “stegosaurus.” Haha.
He counts to 20. He recognises the alphabet. He says “light blue” and “dark blue.” But my favourite is that he pronounces “orange” as “onch.”
Ibrahim also pronounces “fox” as “fokske.” Heehee.
He’s fun to talk to.
His best friend is Aisha. They play together all day.

They play doctor. Usually Aisha is the doctor and Ibrahim is the patient, and he goes to her to get better. She gives him “medicine”, which is usually my handcream. And then he says “thanku ok byeeeee see you laterrrr!”
They also play babies. In this game, Aisha puts a plushie under her tshirt and another plushie under Ibrahim’s tshirt. And they walk around pregnant with babies haha.
Then pop and pop their babies come out. So they play with the babies and feed the babies and bathe the babies and love the babies.
This one time, Aisha was in kindy so Ibrahim was alone with his baby (who was a Pikachu plushie). And he asked me, “Mommy, what baby want?” So I said I think baby wants to go to school.
So Ibrahim said “OK!” and cradled his baby and skipped up and down the living room. And I was like ???? Is that what you think school is?
And Ibrahim was like “YAH!”
Hahahaha he’s so cute.
Ibrahim is crazy active and just a wriggly jumping climbing ball of toddler

He likes to climb up the window grill.
He also likes to jump down the stairs.
Rather than climbing down the bed “bum bum first”, he’ll just leap off and hope for the best.
If he’s not buckled into his highchair, he will definitely climb out and attempt to jump down.
He doesn’t sit still. He rolls and tumbles and ends up in a downward puppy position all the time.
Please watch both these videos, they are so cute.
Chocolate and milk

The kid loves chocolate. “Chocwet chocwet.” Every day asking for chocwet. And also milk. We go through like 5 or 6 cartons of fresh milk a week.
Now that we’re weaning, he drinks even more fresh milk.
Ibrahim also likes eating rice and chicken, pasta, noodles and soup. Noodles, which he calls “nondle”, are his favourite.
His crocodile tears

Homai. He’s a sweet, sensitive person. Every little thing can set him off. But his crying is like… fake crying hahaha.
Waaah wahhh waaaaaaahhhhhhhh but he still continues doing what he’s doing.
Like the other day, Mr Ninja and I were building a sofa. And there are these soft round felt stickers that are supposed to be stuck to the bottom of the sofa legs.
So Ibrahim picked up one like “cicle cicle, Mommy, issa cicle” and I’m like yeh that’s cool, be careful don’t lose it ok?
Waaah waaah waaaaahhhhhhhhh.
Silly baby.
So I’m like, oh let’s stick the circles on the sofa legs!
And he’s like waaaaaaaahhhhhh but still goes on to stick the circles on all four sofa legs while fake crying. I’m not explaining it well but we had to fight so hard to not burst out laughing at him.
Ok that’s all.
Happy birthday last baby. Love you to bits.

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