Increasing Milk Supply

So since I was told to take the combined pill by an idiot doctor, my milk supply dropped dramatically from 10 ounces a session to 3. Now I’m trying really hard to increase my supply back to how it was. Much more challenging for an exclusive pumper than a breastfeeding mama.

1. Stop taking the Pill

mini pill: Noriday

Pretty obvious. I spoke to the pharmacist and she said to stop immediately even though I hadn’t finished the cycle (only took 8 days worth), and switched to the mini pill – Noriday.

2. Pump for longer
Now that my breasts are making much less milk, I’m pumping for 30 minutes each side every 4-6 hours, instead of 10minutes previously.

3. Fenugreek



I bought this Fenugreek mix a couple months ago in case my supply dropped as a back up plan. Was looking for the pill form, but this was the only thing available.Tastes really good, if you’re into cocoa. The pharmacist said to add sugar because it’s bitter. I think she’s a dumbass. It’s good as is. Took two cups a day. Takes around 48 hours to work it’s milk-increasing magic.

4. Drink loads of water


5. Relax

Don’t stress out. Stress makes it harder for milk to flow. Think happy thoughts. Think of baby. Baby is cute. Baby makes me happy. Baby makes the milk flow better.

my little button


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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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