I regret not doing this for the boys. But never mind. Here's my baby girl.…
My Beautiful Aisha Girl In The Park
Just capturing happy moments with my cutie pie sweetheart who gets very angry when I call her my cutie pie sweetheart. She’s a grown up now, apparently. Despite being only 3 years old.
Not allowed to call her baby or cutie pie or sweetheart. She only accepts Aisha, boss, and The Flash.
1. It’s rare that I ever get to spend 1-on-1 time with any of the kids other than Ayub

2. I want to say that I try my best to spread my time and attention equally between all four kids

3. But the truth is, Ayub takes up the majority of my energy because he requires it

4. And I’m constantly filled with guilt for not bringing Aisha to the park more often

5. Or playing board games with Sulaiman regularly

6. Or pumping my milk more often to store for Ibrahim

7. I love them all so much equally, but differently

8. Ayub is caring and brave

9. Sulaiman is brilliant and hilarious

10. Aisha is perceptive and determined

11. Ibrahim is… well, he’s a chonky lil baby right now. But he’s also friendly and good-natured.

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