Ayub loves bananas. That boy doesn't eat fruits and vegetables. Bananas are the only exception. He can…
My Very Berry Banana Smoothie Milkshake For Kids
Hello! It’s been a while since you’ve suffered through yet another one of my ratchet recipes. Here’s a good one. Very Berry Banana Smoothie. Easy recipe. Great for kids.

- 2 bananas, frozen (peel before you freeze otherwise it’s impossible)
- 1 cup blueberries, frozen (I bought Emborg frozen berries)
- 1 cup strawberries, frozen (also Emborg, but fresh then frozen is good too)
- 2 cups milk (cow, almond, soy, whatever you want)
- 2 tablespoons honey (I put too much and the smoothie tasted too honey-y)

Plop everything into a blender and blend. Blend blend blend. Until smooth and creamy and frothy. Drink!

This Very Berry Banana Smoothie is packed with goodness such as antioxidants and immune system boosters. It’s a good way of making sure the kiddos get the vitamins and nutrition they need, especially with schools reopening soon during this pandemic.
You can always adjust the recipe with other fruits or veggies. TBH only Ayub liked this smoothie. The others were like “no thanks, fam.” I put too much honey so it kinda overpowered the fresh fruity flavours. Sed.
Come enjoy photoshoot outtakes:

I love my babes <3
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