Ayub has been doing speech therapy for around a year at Oasis Place. His therapist…
Oasis Place Is The Best Centre For Kids With Special Needs
We’ve been to many places in search for better understanding, stronger support, and the best care for Ayub. It took us 4 years but we finally found Oasis Place. And it is truly the oasis in a desert of hopelessness that is Malaysia’s support for special needs kids.
What is Oasis Place?
Oasis Place provides intervention services to children, teens, and adults of all abilities. Their core services are psychology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, continuous education, and nutrition.
Ayub went there for a full assessment. And we have done A LOT of assessments over the years. Nothing compares to Oasis Place. I think we were there the whole day. They broke it up into segments, made it fun for Ayub, made it into a game. We assessed his speech, IQ, and level of autism.
From there we found that his speech was well below average. Basically the kid never picked up a mothertongue. How ironic that my only strength and skill is in English.
What therapy do we do there?
Ayub is currently attending speech therapy once a week for an hour. It’s been close to a year and the progress is remarkable. His speech is much clearer, although still below average in comparison to his peers, but for reals, who’s comparing?
He still has some behavioral issues that we hope to work on in occupational therapy. He’s yet to start because we were advised to focus on his weakest point (speech and language) first. Get him up to a level where he has the actual words to explain what he’s feeling, before teaching him how to control those feelings.
Everything starts with language.
Ayub also joined a group therapy session for several months with two other boys his age. I called them the A-team because all their names start with A. It was interesting to see him react to other autistic people having meltdowns. I wonder if he saw himself in them?

Ayub was given these blocks and asked to build a train or something.
Aside from therapy, what else do they offer?
Ayub and Sulaiman attended a Social Thinking Camp last year with other kids for 3 days. They had a blast. The purpose of the camp is to help the children understand how to behave and react in social settings, cause and effect, whole body listening.
Of course Sulaiman was a star student. Ayub had some issues of not paying attention (what’s new?) but otherwise he really enjoyed himself. I do believe the games they play and lessons they learn have a positive lasting effect on him.
The hubs and I also attended a parenting workshop, discussing something about schools..? Omg I don’t remember. They haven’t had any parents workshops since then 🙁 But hubs and I are super pro anyway /s.
Give me all the details on Oasis Place so I can bring my kid there too!
This is not a sponsored post but honestly every parent I have met who asks me for advice for their kid, I tell them to make an appointment with Oasis Place. I love love love love it there.
The place is HUGE and clean and beautiful. (In comparison Kidsogenius was super run down with water stains down the walls). The therapists are amazing. Friendly, professional, warm, smart, and always 100% prepared. If they don’t have an answer, they will find someone who does. Always willing to help and go the extra mile.
Emma, if you are reading, I love you.
Operating Hours: Mondays to Saturdays | 8:30am – 5:30pm
Location: Level 16, Menara Sentral Vista, No. 150, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Brickfields, 50470 Kuala Lumpur.
Website: http://oasisplace.com.my
Phone: + 603 2276 9111
Email: [email protected]
The assessments are quite expensive. As I recall, we spent around RM4,000 or so for Ayub’s assessments. But we did around 4 or 5 in total.
Therapy sessions are RM190/session. Expensive, but worth it.
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