On Monday, at 11 weeks, Sulaiman discovered his little baby tongue. He spent the entire…
Sulaiman’s Very Yellow Hari Sukan 2019 And His Robot Costume
Last year, Sulaiman had his first ever sports day in preschool. During the march he was dressed with pink tinsel and a little top hat. It was very cute. He came home with a gold medal and a bronze medal.

This year Sulaiman is in Rumah Kuning. So cute. They had some futuristic Bumblebee theme going on. Major props to the parents for putting the costumes together and getting all the kids dressed at like 7am.
I did not help. Not one little bit. I mean, I didn’t even go to sports day. I stayed home. Not that I didn’t want to go. I stayed home with the baby. But yeah. I was just like ._. in the group chat the whole time. Anyway, I think they won best dressed or something, is that a thing? IDK.
Look at this super dope Bumblebee Transformers robot thing that one of the moms made. Crazy awesome!

The morning march
1. Spot Sulaiman, I can’t

2. Sulaiman on the right

3. Sulaiman loves school… but he doesn’t love sports day

4. “Muka terpaksa” – Mr Ninja

Then it was time for the games to begin!
Well not really. It took hours according to Mr Ninja. Reached at like 6.30am to get in costume and do face painting. Then marching. Followed by speeches. And morning exercise.
By the time the games started it was like 11am. I’m guessing. I don’t remember. This happened some time ago. Sorry.
5. The hoop ball cone thingy

6. This beanbag on the head walking across a balance beam thing

7. This jump in the hoops thing

8. This holding a football instead of kicking it and running or something thing

9. This rolling on a mat thing

10. This throwing a beanbag into a basket thing

I don’t know if you noticed but Sulaiman is the only kid still wearing the face paint throughout the games
None of the other kids had it on. You know why? Because the other kids had their moms there to clean it off after the march, probably. But definitely because the other kids had either their moms OR their dads to clean if off after the march.
Does Mr Ninja have the emotional and general intelligence to do that for Sulaiman? I guess not. Ho ho ho.
11. Medal giving yay!

12. I don’t know what he won

12. But he came home with two medals

And apparently Yellow won overall?
I have no idea. I think so? Hmmm… I love you Sulaiman forever and always <3
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