My 2 year old son, Ayub, is the epitome of a picky eater; not only…
The Fussy Eater Tries Very Weird Food (That Even I Wouldn’t Eat TBH)
Ayub has always been a very fussy, very picky eater. Before I knew he was autistic, I even wrote a post about how fussy and picky he is haha. I know picky eating is nothing new and not all picky eaters are autistic, but a lot of autistic individuals are picky eaters so…

Ayub’s diet consists of cereal with milk for breakfast, white rice with chicken, and his ultimate favourite thing in the whole world – noodles. Noodle soup, dry noodles, Maggi noodles, pasta noodles, pan mee.
Really in the 9 and a half years that he’s been eating solids, nothing has changed.
So when Jenna Bennana asked if Ayub would like to be in a SAYS video where kids eat weird things I was like “omg meltdown trigger red flag red flag red flag.”

But I explained the video idea to Ayub and he was ok with it so he went ahead. The whole time I was so nervous he was gonna freak out and scream and shake and go into meltdown mode.
Watch what happened when Ayub ate fish eyes, cow lungs, chicken feet, and more:
Zero meltdown. Zero problems. He was so chill all the way through.
However after shooting this video he refused to do any more. He said he hated doing videos and was super angry at me for “forcing” him to. (I did not force mmmkay). So he stopped doing videos.
And then the videos got released on YouTube and Facebook and I showed him and he thought they were hilarious so now he wants to do more videos. I’m too lazy to write anymore.

I suppose shooting behind-the-scenes is a lot of work and very tiring and Ayub feels the need to put on a “mask” for the camera, which is extra work and extra tiring. But the pay off is worth it for him.
So I guess he got over his picky eating tendencies?
Nah, he just knows how to ham it up for the camera haha. He’s still super picky. But at least now, he is willing to try pretty much anything and everything once.
One bite.
Sometimes he likes it and will finish it, most times he just says, “No I don’t like that” and puts it down.
The biggest difference in Ayub’s diet is that he now eats spicy food and broccoli
I don’t know why he’s so into broccoli but he absolutely loves the stuff. That and noodles and white rice and chicken. The end.

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