DAY 5Accident free. Hamayzing. Except... Umm... Ayub told me to go upstairs and sleep. Even…
The Pee Pee Diary (DAY 1)
I’ve been encouraging Ayub to give up diapers for a year. He was not interested. He’d scream and yell and cry at the mention of ‘no nappy’. Bought Ayub a cute potty of his favourite colour. He threw it across the room. Bought him a toddler toilet seat. He cried when he sat on it said it hurt his bum. Bought Ayub Spiderman underwear. He kicked them off and hid them under the bed.
So finally, after a year of talking about it. I told him there were no more diapers because I forgot to buy them. I apologized and said I would buy them later. So he wore his shorts without diapers. For the first time. At the age of 3 years and 7 months. That was last Sunday.
Ayub was so freaked out he didn’t wanna get off the bed. Just lay there. Finally persuaded him that everything would be ok. He followed me downstairs. And wet his pants. First day: 9 accidents. NINE ACCIDENTS. How do you fit an entire sofa into the washing machine? I tried to bring him to the toilet every 15 minutes. But he would either pee right before, or he would stand in the toilet and nothing would happen, come back out, wear his shorts, wet himself.
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