Reminiscing over my big head baby Ayub. Such a big…
The Stupid-Long Labour And Birth Of Baby #4
Every birth experience is different. Baby #1 (Ayub) took a week of early labour, 12 hours of active labour, and was the hardest to push out; Baby #2 (Sulaiman) was by far the most painful, was born with the umbilical cord around his neck, came out screaming and blue, Baby #3 (Aisha) was awesome.
The last potato.

Labour with Baby #4 started on a Sunday
It was actually during Ayub’s rainbow birthday cake with his cousins. Contractions were light and hours apart. Told Mr Ninja to get ready. He makes a face like O.O
Told my mum to come over in case the baby decides to make a grand entrance later that night. She packs her bags and meets us at our house.
Contractions through the night. No baby. Oh well.
The next day is Monday
I am in labour labour. Worked from home. Contractions were an hour apart and hurt like crazy. Figured the baby would pop out later that day.
Today is my birthday. I am 32. Mr Ninja brings me a cake like O.O

The baby is not born on my birthday.
Later that night…
More contractions. Still an hour apart. Sometimes half an hour apart. Sometimes 20 minutes apart. Then suddenly an hour apart again. It’s already 4am and I have forgotten what sleep is.
Mr Ninja is obnoxiously snoring so I punch him a little completely out of spite. He stops snoring then resumes in a shorter time than one contraction lasts. Annoying.
It is Tuesday
Got to be today. A whole night of labour. Contraction after contraction. Never quite getting closer together. Never long apart enough for me to sleep. Just ugh. This baby. Come out already.
Contractions hurt. A lot. But in between there’s nothing. Contractions don’t get closer together. In fact, it feels like they’re getting further apart.
What is happening. Mr Ninja does not know. His face is still like O.O
If the baby doesn’t pop by Tuesday night, we go to the hospital
The baby does not come out on Tuesday night.
It is Wednesday
Labour feels legit.
9am let’s go to the hospital.
9.15am we reach the hospital change clothes check check scan scan poke here poke there IV started 7cm
10.15am 8cm
10.30am do you want me to call your husband in? yeah.
10.40am pushhhhhhh
plop cry and the baby is born
10.41am Mr Ninja walks in like O.O

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