Every week someone will ask me, "Why did Nadia leave Fly FM?" or "Where did…
This Is Why Nobody Goes To Italiannies Anymore. It’s Because It Sucks
Italiannies sucks. It’s so bad. Omg. Don’t eat there.
It was team lunch day and we wanted to have Pho Hoa at the Curve but IT HAD CLOSED DOWN. Tragic. So sad. It was great. So we ended up at Italiannies. It wasn’t that bad, but it was funny bad. Ya know?
Look how cute we are.


The Food
Danial says, “For an ‘Italian’ restaurant, you’d think they’d know how to make a pizza.” He had this Mexicana pizza thing, which looked pretty good but was bland and tasteless. The nachos weren’t crunchy and everything was raw and flavourless. Sad.
This morning Danial came to work and he was still sad that his pizza was so awful. They ruined pizza for him. Italiannies. Ruined. Pizza. For Danial.

Gowri and Ihsan had this chicken parm thing. They said it was good. Gows ate all her chicken. Good girl, Gows. Good girl.

“OHMYGOD I look like an egg! And now you’re going to blog about it and say that I said that I look like an egg!” – Gowri, who looks like an egg.

Jeremy was too hungry to bother taking a pretty picture of his food, which honestly just looked like Kenny Rogers (on a good day).
Roasted quarter chicken with vegetables and mac & cheese. I tried the mac & cheese, it tasted like children’s food. Ok but bland and safe and you know, kid-friendly.

Jude had this thing. Aglio olio prawn thing. She said it wasn’t spicy so she drowned it in chili flakes and still didn’t finish it. Jude is a good eater. If she doesn’t finish something, it means it ain’t goooooood.

I had this creamy asparagus and prawn tagliatelle. I like the deep fried spinach on top. The cream was ok but I got really bleurgh halfway through it. The asparagus was fibre-y and skinny and awful AND THEY CUT THE HEADS OFF EVERY STALK.
I watched a Chopped Junior episode while I was on maternity leave and one of the ingredients in the basket was asparagus and this little girl who was from a tiny farm in the middle of nowhere straight up cut all the asparagus tips off because she didn’t like them and everyone was like OMG SACRILEGE and I was at home watching like OMG SACRILEGE but because she’s a little girl and was very very cute she is forgiven but this dish was cooked by an adult in a restaurant that prices its food far too high to provide such low quality gaddammit don’t cut the tips off the asparagus.
The asparagus looked like long beans. Tasted like sadness. And I later had food poisoning that night.

The best part of Italiannies is the free bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The Menu

Food: 1/5 (1 for the free bread)
The Ambiance

FJ is not impressed. Jude says it’s so dated and nothing has changed. And we all agreed Italiannies used to be the shit 10 years ago and now it’s just shit.
Ambiance: 3/5

The Service
The food came really fast. The staff were nice. But…
Danial and FJ both ordered the same sad bland pizza and neither finished the whole thing. So FJ asked the waiter if he could takeaway the pizza. So the waiter took away the pizza. Like literally took the pizza away from our table and put it on another table.
FJ had to bring the two plates of pizza to the counter to ask them to pack it in a takeaway box.
Service: 3/5

Final Thoughts

Overall: -134/5
Italiannies the Curve Details
Location: Lot G75 & G76, Ground Floor, The Curve
Phone: +603 – 7728 1715
Opening hours: Daily | 10am – 10pm
Website | Facebook
If you’d like me to give your restaurant a Mama Review, let me know in the comments below! I write for free and pay for my meals haha!
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