They don't look alike. Yet everyone says they both look like me. How liddat?
Understanding The Differences Between Tantrums And Meltdowns
I’ve noticed that a lot of people confuse tantrums with meltdowns. While they may look similar to outsiders, they are actually very different in nature. Whatever the case, I just wanna quickly say, if you see a child having a tantrum OR a meltdown in public, don’t be a Judgy McJudgeface because you really have no idea what that parent is going through thank you, kissy face.
Ayub had terrible meltdowns when he was much younger
They happened every day. Uncontrollable screaming and crying, his whole body shaking, completely inconsolable.
Teachers labelled him as “difficult” and “naughty”, family members called him “spoilt” and blamed me.
We didn’t understand back then, but now we know better and so we do better
These days, Ayub has maybe one meltdown a year. Usually triggered by someone teasing him. Even so, he is much better equipped to deal with it and self-regulate his emotions. (Sometimes he can’t, and that’s ok too).
Please don’t make the same mistakes as me. Understand the difference between a tantrum and a meltdown, identify the triggers that upset your child, and make positive changes to help them
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