[VIDEO] Ibrahim’s First Meal Is Plain Rice Porridge And He Hates It With PASSION

When Ibrahim was 6 months and 1 week old, it was time for him to try solids. All the kids started with carrots but Ibrahim’s nurse said to start him with plain rice porridge.

So I made plain rice porridge.

Come watch him not eat:

Let’s break it down, shall we?

1. First he was like uggghhhhh

baby first meal

2. Then he was like staphh or i spitsss

baby first meal

3. I let him touch the porridge and feel the porridge and be one with the porridge

baby first meal


baby first meal

5. “Away foul demon!”

baby first meal

6. Me refusing to open email notifications from Lazada post-9.9 sale because I don’t want to be reminded how much goddamn money I spent on things I don’t need with discounts that weren’t worth it

baby first meal

7. Mild angry

baby first meal

8. Mild angry i n t e n s i f i e s

baby first meal

9. Don’t you think Ibrahim has a rather square face and somewhat looks like Emmett from the LEGO Movie?

baby first meal

10. That side eye tho

baby first meal

Anyway it’s all good. This was 2 months ago.

Ibrahim is 8 months old now and loves eating his porridge. Although I add yummy things to it now. Like carrots or pumpkin or spinach or peas. Ya. It’s good. He’s good. Love him.

Wanna see him eat a baby biskut? Here’s him eating a baby biskut:

baby first meal
baby first meal
baby first meal
baby first meal
baby first meal
baby first meal

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Laila Zain

Laila is a working mama who married young, had two beautiful boys, went through a shitty divorce, met an amazing man, remarried, and had a beautiful girl. Her eldest boy is a rainbow baby and special needs child. Her second is ridiculously smart. Her baby is a baby.

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