On Monday, at 11 weeks, Sulaiman discovered his little baby tongue. He spent the entire…
Watch This Video Of Sulaiman On His Journey To Becoming A Taekwondo Master

I signed Sulaiman up for a Taekwondo class to learn a new skill, exercise, have fun, and build confidence. He is THE BEST.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that he always puts 100% effort into everything he does. Whether it’s his studies or his extracurricular activities. He has so much grit and perseverance to complete tasks. I love that about him.
I mean, he’s not the best at Taekwondo… yet. But A+ for effort yaaas!!
Keep the sound on for ultimate viewing pleasure.
Is he not the best?!?
Sulaiman and Aisha spend a lot of time at home practising and training together. It’s pretty much the most awesome thing ever. My kids are badasses hahaha.
And Ayub?
Ayub was adamant about NOT joining Taekwondo. Until he watched Sulaiman train. Now he’s in the same class too. He’s very very good. Naturally athletic and sporty. He just has the build for it. And he’s just really very very good. I’ll upload a video later. Bye.
Based on his history of aggression, this makes us very very nervous.
But I’m hopeful that on top of learning how to throw a punch, he’ll also learn discipline and self-restraint.
Ayub has been training Ibrahim to follow in his footsteps
Still a long way to go lol.

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