Today is Monday. Ramadhan began on Saturday. Usually at this time I would be having…
What Have I Done To My Project LOL
Hello everyone! Wow it’s been a long time wow. Why did I say wow two times? I have no idea. Also the project is shoot rocks to save yourself from death i guess. It has no mobile controls yet sorry.
So yes, I’ve updated it, but what does it look like? It looks like this.

You’re probably thinking, “Sulaiman, it looks the same as before!” Well, let’s see the difficulties…

Yes, that’s right. I added literally seven difficulties between my breaks in school. SEVEN. Also I have new freeze bullet. Let me show you.

Ok wait this is a lot of pictures. Don’t worry I’ll stop putting pictures. I think. Also my next class is at 12:55PM and it’s 12:23 so I have plenty of time.
Also don’t try out HELL difficulty (it’s painfully impossible). I had effortless but I have so many cloud highscores it’s making me stop. So I deleted effortless lol.
I don’t know what else to put in this blog post so I’m gonna put random crazy facts that you’ve never heard of that is completely unrelated to the title of this blog post.
Do you know that pure resiniferatoxin has 16,000,000,000 (16 billion) scoville? Also try to pronounce that word it’s hard, right?
Oh also a your average jalapeno has 8000 scoville so pure resiniferatoxin is 2 MILLION times more spicy.
Let me tell you what pure resiniferatoxin is. Wait actually maybe it would be better if I gave you this link. Ok tap that blue link thingy for the explanation of what pure resiniferatoxin is.
also these are random words telling you to go away lol so bye also these are random words telling you to go away lol so bye also these are random words telling you to go away lol so bye
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