Ya so I know that Ramadan and Raya happened like forever ago but I've been…
[2021 Update] Photos From The Bazaar Ramadan In TTDI
Ok so. I haven’t been to the bazaar ramadan in TTDI this year. I haven’t really left my house at all tbh. So these pics are all from Mr Ninja coz I told him I wanted to write a blog post. I don’t know anything about these stalls, nor why he chose to take these particular photos.
I’m just make my own commentary. As usual.
Check out my post about the Bazaar Ramadan in TTDI from 2019.
1. Pak Ya Popia Power

Stacks of popiah, topped with chili sauce. The husband felt that this stall deserved three photos, but has never bought a popiah. Or at least, brought one into our home.
Perhaps he bought and hid away so I wouldn’t eat any.
Who knows.
Looks good though. Based on photos, I give it 5/5.

Can I tell you a story? You can skip this if you’re not interested.
One time when Mr Ninja and I were boyfriend girlfriend and not hubby bini, we went to a bazaar ramadan in Damansara Perdana. And there was this looooooong ass queue at the popiah stall. So I was like “bb wat dat.”
And he was like “popiah.”
And I was like “ooo looks nice. You want?”
And he was like “jom.”
So we went and queued there. And it took forever. Like so stupid long. And then I asked “which one you want?” and he was like “which one you want?” and I was like “I don’t want popiah” and he was like “then why are we queuing up?” and I was like “because you said you want” and he was like “because you said YOU want”.
And we were like -_-
But since we queued up so long we just went through with it and bought a few and I think his housemate at the time just ate them all because I didn’t want any. And nor did he. Lol.
Was that painful to read? You’re welcome. Let’s continue.

2. Baby Crab

I imagine Mr Ninja was like “ooo baby crab, my wife loves baby crab.” Then he took one photo of the stall and moved on. He did not buy any baby crab.
What even is baby crab. Is it supposed to be like softshell crab?
I miss Asia Cafe and chili crab and butter crab and those fried mantous that you dip in the sauce and slurrrrrrp up nom nom.
3. Madam Julie Air Sedap!!!

I guess this is where Mr Ninja buys our drinks. He only buys watermelon juice. Even though, I never drink it.
It’s so full of sugar. It’s like watermelon-flavoured sugar water. You know what I mean.
And Mr Ninja also loves air kathira. Have you had it before? Not my favourite. Nuh-uh. Johoreans are weird.
You know what I like though??? Air jagung. It gets so much hate but it’s so freakin yummy. I love jagung everything haha.

4. This guy playing his guitar

Not sure what’s going on here. I imagine Mr Ninja thought he was cool. So he took TWO photos of him.
Go follow him on Instagram.

5. Ayam Golek Malaya

BBQ chicken wings tepi jalan are my favourite things to monch always. Sooooo… with no explanation to this image. I’m guessing this is the stall where Mr Ninja buys my chicken wings.
Mmmmm… chimkin.

6. Lemang

Did I tell you what happened last Raya?
I wanted lemang so Ihsan gave me a recommended lemang seller to order from, which I did. And the seller was gonna deliver the lemang the day before Raya in the afternoon. Then he didn’t.
He said he would come before buka in the evening. But he didn’t.
So he said he would come at night around 10pm. Nope.
He texted to tell me he’d arrive early in the morning right after subuh prayers. No lemang.
On the way on the way. Never came.
Then he angry angry “i’m so disappointed with my kitchen staff oh boo hoo”. Stupid ass.
I asked for refund and suddenly he quiet.
But it’s fine. I asked several times a day and finally got my refund a week later. Yay.
Maybe this year I will buy my lemang from this handsome gentleman at TTDI bazaar ramadan.
7. Tepung Pelita Asli

Okokokokok. This one is like famous right? Like, people queue for ages to buy?
I dunno. I never queue. And Mr Ninja also never buy for us.
You know he doesn’t like kuih? What kind of Malaysian doesn’t like kuih??? Kuih is AWESOME.
8. Ooo Noodley stuff

Bakso, laksa, mee kari, mee rebus, bihun sup, mee sup, soto, nasi soto.
I like all those things.
Mr Ninja also never buy for me.

9. Milky Mango

I just think it’s so cute that Mr Ninja took a photo of this. He must be like “haihhh this wife so annoying” *click*
I labb him.
10. Satay!

Ok ya. He bought us satay before. And it was DELICIOUS. I wonder if it’s this stall.
Ihsan was craving satay and we both ended up having satay on the same day. Food twins.
11. Cempedak

Cempedak is one of my favourite fruits. And cempedak goreng is the bomb!
Ok that’s all the photos he took.
Do you wanna know about the SOPs?
- There’s one entrance and exit point
- You gotta scan the MySejahtera code to enter
- Temperate check as usual
- I guess there are Rela people there?
- Someone mentioned something about max 200 people at a time
- I think you get a tag to wear so they don’t exceed the number of peeps
- There’s like a flow that you have to follow, arrows on the ground. Can’t just go here there everywhere.
I dunno tho. I’ve never been.
You should probably ask Mr Ninja. Nah. Go ask him here. He’s the cutest.
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