The title says it all. There were so many cross-overs during our live broadcast from…
The Asli Co. Upcycles Plastic To Create Adorable Succulent Pots And I LOVE THEM
The beautiful Kat (who my kids think is hilarious because she has the same name as an animal) wrote about The Asli Co. on SAYS.

Imma paraphrase it real quick because I only really wanna show you my super cute succulents.
Basically, The Asli Co. is a social enterprise that hires stay-at-home mothers from the Orang Asli community in Serendah, Selangor, to upcycle plastic cups and turn them into gorgeous little cement pots. A set of three retails at RM110 and helps these women provide for their families.
An eco-friendly company that teaches new skills to mamas so they generate an income for themselves while providing the world with succulents? YES PLEASE.

Now behold the cuteness of succulent pots created by The Asli Co.

A set of three pots with succulents for RM110. That postcard is from Danial. He got it for free from Stickeriffic then gave it to me. It’s mine now. MINE.
I love succulents.
Here are my two new babies

And this is the packaging

There was some drama…
…because I wanted a spiky succulent but Jay Zee took it for her mama so she had to ask her mama if she could give it to me and bing bong bing bong Jay Zee-style in the end I got this baby

Jeremy hates plants by the way. He received a succulent from Co-Labs and KILLED IT.
For some reason everyone decided to bring their succulents home last night so I HAVE NO PICTURES
Sad. There were like a bazillion little succulents from The Asli Co. all over the office and it was magical and wonderful. Everybody sucks from bringing theirs home. Except Kat. Kat is the best. Now look at these succulents.
1. Bulbasaur

2. Moldy bread

3. Fresh pinecone

4. My punk rock spikey baby

5. This teeny weeny cutie pie

Stupid Ihsan brought his succulents home last night before I could take a picture of them. He had two. And one of them looked like a bunch of cat tongues. It had the weirdest texture. I think Danial nearly passed out when I tried to get him to touch it. It was bumpy and pimply. I love it.
The Asli Co. details
Website | Facebook | Instagram

Go support them and enjoy your succulent babiesssss!
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