I have no idea if that's what it's called. But I love it. Brought Ayub…
We Spent The Day At Legoland Malaysia Theme Park. Here Are The Good And Bad Things That Happened
You need to spend the whole day at Legoland Malaysia Theme Park to really enjoy it because it is BIG. We didn’t even go on all the rides or see all the attractions or watch all the shows because there’s just so much!
Click here for our review of the Legoland Malaysia Water Park and the newly opened SEA Life!

TL;DR because this is an exceptionally loooooong ass post
The good things:
- The staff are INCREDIBLE. I have never met with such stellar customer service. The ride attendants seriously put up with a lot of shit from entitled asshats, yet they remain polite, patient, and always with a smile on their face. The F&B people are also super friendly, helpful, and very kind.
- The rides are fun and cater to kids (teenagers would probably find this theme park kinda boring)
- There are LOADS of things to do including watching live shows and performances, taking train rides, large playgrounds, stuff like that (it’s not all rollercoasters)
- It’s not possible to do everything in one day, so plan ahead

The bad things:
- The park is not well-maintained; a number of rides were closed or literally broke down while people were on them
- Pretty much all the restaurants are closed for no reason
- The baby rooms around the theme park are ALL CLOSED, also for no reason
- There’s no real update to any of the attractions
- It remains super hot because of a lack of shade and outdoor fans
- Food is expensive af
- Tickets are also expensive af
Overall I think it’s pretty awesome. I think it’s ideal for kids aged 6-13. My kids LOVE it. Although… there are several bad things about it. But I mean, as long as the kids are happy, Mr Ninja and I are happy. So it’s cool π

Here are all the good and bad things that happened when we spent the day at Legoland Malaysia Theme Park:
1. Neutral – There are height restrictions to almost all the rides
There are only around 5 rides that are suitable for kids under 100cm like Aisha. But it’s ok because there are plenty of other activities for little ones to do. Like riding the train with the whole family or watching the live shows and performances. Stuff like that. Aisha had a great time even though she couldn’t ride any coasters this time around.

For kids between 100-120cm there are more rides to enjoy but they have to be accompanied by an adult. The last time we were at Legoland Malaysia Theme Park, Sulaiman was only 2 years old so he couldn’t do much. This time would be his first time riding a rollercoaster. He was not excited. HE WAS SCURRRREDDD MMMKAY??

Anyone above 120cm is pretty much free to enjoy all the activities at the park, which is awesome. Ayub was super psyched. He loves coasters.

2. Our first stop was Lego Technic

3. Good – Technic Twister: An awesome spinning teacups ride that is a perfect intro ride for kiddies
The boys were super excited to try this ride and they really enjoyed it. Lots of giggles and squeals as they went round and round and round. Aisha was too little for this.

4. Bad – Aquazone Wave Racers: This ride pretty much broke down while the boys were queuing for it

There are two sides of this ride but they had closed one side. Mr Ninja and the boys were in the back of a loooong queue and I was watching from the barrier at the front.
When the ride stopped, the people in the little yellow boats got stuck. The doors wouldn’t open. Bing bong bing bong. They got the doors to open. After that they tried to test the ride without people. Something was obviously wrong because they did this several times and I could see the dude in the control room on the phone with someone.
I mouthed to Mr Ninja that the ride was broken so they left the queue. Meanwhile, the Legoland staff were still trying to fix it. Eventually they closed that side and opened the previously shut down side. People who had been queuing on one side had to move to the other side. People who were in the front of the line were suddenly at the back of line. Sucks.
It looks like this:

I don’t know if they eventually got it to start again.
5. Bad – The Great Lego Race: The rollercoaster literally stopped while people were halfway up the peak

These poor people are actually stuck. It’s really high up as well. I guess it could have been worse. They could have gotten stuck when they were halfway down? Anyway, they were there for like 15 minutes or so. Eventually they got it started again so they could get out. But the ride closed for maintenance after that.
Mr Ninja saw them stuck there and was like hell no we’re not riding that thing. And then…
6. Good & Bad – The Great Lego Race: Supposedly the world’s first Lego virtual reality rollercoaster but it didn’t work

So despite Mr Ninja saying he wasn’t going to ride this after it broke down while people were on it, they got it to work again and the boys wanted to try it so… yeah. They tried it.
Unfortunately the VR headsets weren’t working because of the rain or something. So it was just a regular rollercoaster.
Can you spot them?

This was Ayub’s very first rollercoaster when he was 6 years old, and now it’s also Sulaiman’s very first rollercoaster at the age of 7! They both loved it. Would have been great if the VR was working but never mind. Maybe next time.

Watch them wuuuuuuu:
Meanwhile, Aisha, Ibrahim and I were chilling and taking cutesy pictures

7. Good & Bad – Lego Academy: Cool classes and stuff… I guess

Mr Ninja and I were mostly just disappointed at how filthy and run down Einstein’s head was π All the Lego figures and builds throughout the park looked like this. Just dirty and kinda gross :(((((
I don’t know if it’s possible to clean or viable to rebuild but they should do something about it because it looks bad.

Anyway, inside the Lego Academy are a bunch of classrooms and Lego building sessions. They go by age group at specific times throughout the day. We have three kiddies in three different age groups. We didn’t have time for this haha. Plus they already go for Lego class every week at Bricks4Kids so we were like kthxbye,

8. Good & Bad – Lego Star Wars Miniland

The Good – The Lego Star Wars Miniland is dope. The builds are awesome. It’s literally a mini version of Star Wars built entirely of Lego.
The Bad – We first saw this exhibit more than 4 years ago and since then, absolutely nothing has changed. No improvements. No updates. Exactly the same. The final scene of the miniland is Anakin Skywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi dance fighting in lava. “You were the chosen one!” That scene.
No Rey, no Finn, no Kylo Ren, no General Leia, no Captain Phasma… and none of the spin-offs either. Except in the gift shop that is connected to the exit of course. That shop has ALL the most recent movie Lego merch. Lol.

Anyway, if you’ve never been to Lego Star Wars Miniland, here’s what it looks like:

The builds are definitely impressive and if you’re a fan of Lego and Star Wars, you will love this exhibit. There’s also a really cute Lego Star Wars mini film at the start starring Jar Jar Binks being a twat.
9. We completed Lego Technic and moved on to Lego Kingdoms

10. Good – Dragon’s Apprentice: The junior dragon rollercoaster is kinda adorable
It’s shaped a bit like an infinity symbol and makes two rounds. Designed for younger kids so little ones between 100-120cm can ride it with an adult.

Watch it go round the first time (it goes round again but I stopped filming):
11. Good – The Dragon: The largest rollercoaster in the park and the scariest too imo

This is Ayub’s favourite ride because it’s terrifying haha. I didn’t wait around to watch the boys on this because Ibrahim and Aisha deserved to have fun too. But it looks like this:

Aisha entertained herself by posing with Lego animals because…

12. Bad – The Forestman’s Hideout: The only playground in this area was closed. Boo! And…

13. Bad – The King’s Grill: Where Ayub had planned to have lunch was closed too!
This would be the first of MANY eateries that were closed. The baby rooms were ALL also closed. Wtf.

14. Good – Castle Stage: Ice cream and a live performance

Aisha had two ice creams while waiting for the boys to get back from The Dragon ride. Also, I gotta say that every Legoland staff member was amazing throughout our visit.
Massive shoutout to the lady who was selling the ice creams and drinks here. I dropped a bottle of water while carrying Ibrahim and she rushed out from behind the counter to pick it up for me. When she lifted it, she realised it had broken and leaking. So she just discarded it and brought me a new one. Thank you kind lady. That bottle of water cost RM4.

The performance was pretty cute too. Aisha LOVED it. She was bopping along and dancing and singing and really enjoying herself.

Ibrahim was less impressed.

15. Good – Merlin’s Challenge: A fun spinning ride for kids, Aisha was too small for this unfortunately

Sulaiman rode this thing 4 times in a row waiting for Aisha to finish her ride lol. She was on a little kid ride next door.
16. Good – Royal Joust: A super cute horse ride for littles
17. We leave Lego Kingdoms and reach Imagination

By now we’ve been here for more than 2 hours and are getting pretty exhausted. So far, all the restaurants have been closed, including our backup plan in Imagination – Pizza Mania. What’s the deal, Legoland Malaysia? Why are all the restaurants closed???
The kids go for a toilet break and Ibrahim and I just chill.

18. Good – Duplo Playtown: A large playground designed for tiny ones like Aisha, not-so-interesting for Sulaiman, totally boring for Ayub

Mr Ninja and Ayub have fun at the Kids Power Tower where they sit at the base of this tower and pull themselves up using pulleys.
Aisha, Sulaiman, Ibrahim, and I hang out in this cute playground. It’s nice and spacious and completely shaded. I love it. Great for toddlers.

I was surprised that Sulaiman was so excited to come to this playground instead of following Ayub to the different attraction. Turns out he saw this bike and thought it moved. Like, that he could actually ride it around the playground.
It’s stuck to the ground. Doesn’t even rock or sway or anything. Just stuck right in there haha.

All the Duplo play areas have had the Duplo bricks removed, or stolen. I assume. Four years ago there were bricks and play areas. Now there are just empty play houses. Sad. But Aisha still enjoyed herself.
She actually got stuck in this hole and couldn’t figure out how to get out. I wanted to take a picture of her being stuck but she spotted me and struck a pose instead. As though she meant to be in there smh.

There was a tiny little Duplo train that you could ride. But Aisha was too small and had to be accompanied by an adult. And Ibrahim was too too small and couldn’t ride on it at all. So Sulaiman rode it on his own. It’s a tiny round track.
19. Good – Aisha was SUPER excited to meet a Lego police officer
She wants to be a police officer when she grows up. Little weirdo. You’ll see the odd Lego dude walking around. Lego Batman was at the entrance taking pictures. It’s cute I guess.
We didn’t explore the rest of Imagination, which consisted of Lego Studios and Build & Test. Next time!

20. Good – Lots of Lego thingies to take pictures with
But it was hot and we were tired and I’m always lazy. So I only got these giraffes.

And this viral Lego dinosaur dick haha.

I couldn’t resist these super creepy, stuff of nightmares, Lego Melayus. Ugh it’s worse face-to-face.

21. Good – Lego Ninjago World: This was Sulaiman’s favourite attraction because you get to shoot things

Ibrahim and I waited outside while the others went in. I don’t know what exactly happened. But based on the excited ramblings of three kids talking over each other, I gathered that they wore 3D glasses, rode around in carts, and shot at bad guys. Sulaiman proudly let me know he had the lowest score. Cutie pie.
The compound is super cool too. All the Ninjago characters are built and posing and doing stuff. And there’s some wall thingy that kids were climbing or something. I wasn’t paying attention.
But it’s good. Two thumbs up.

22. Good – Land of Adventure: We kinda completely skipped this zone but the boys did go on the Dino Island ride
The standard log in water drop thing. They loved it. Came back soaking wet. Just nice when it’s a hot day.

23. Meh – Lunch at Fire Rescue Bistro
I counted around 8 restaurants at Legoland Malaysia Theme Park and only 2 were open. That sucks. Especially with such a large park. We planned our day so we could stop at specific restaurants to eat. They were closed. Burger Junction was the only restaurant that was open and it was packed with hungry people. So we stopped at this tiny bistro for lunch.
It wasn’t bad. Standard overpriced bland theme park food.

The Fire Rescue Bistro had really limited food options. Fried chicken, roast chicken, chicken nuggets, chicken wrap. They ran out of chicken wrap. And I later saw one of the employees running from across the park to the bistro holding a bunch of mini tubs of coleslaw.
It wasn’t great but the kids were hungry and there weren’t exactly a lot of options.

Everyone had to walk a huge detour to get to other side. Lasted about an hour before they could fix it. The wheel literally came off the track. This was pretty much the last straw for Mr Ninja and I. We were totes convinced that Legoland Malaysia is pretty much on its way to going bankrupt and closing down π

25. Good & Bad – Airport Departures: The ride is fine, the passengers’ parents are awful

This was a super cute ride that Aisha was actually allowed on. The planes go round and round and you can control it to go up and down with a lever.
Man, I don’t wanna get into the details but it was the worst experience we had in the whole theme park. Not the ride itself, the ride was short and sweet and perfect for little kiddies. But the level of entitlement from some of these parents, like wow. Yes, your child is unique but they are not more special than any other child.
What should have been a short wait for a fun ride ended up taking an hour because of a number of these entitled parents. Not wanting to follow instructions and have their child sit next to them, instead putting their child ON THEIR LAP. Another forced the ride attendant to allow her daughter to go on a second time without queuing up because the girl didn’t know how to make her plane lift up and was crying.
Anyway. It was an awful experience. Aisha fell asleep waiting for her turn so didn’t even get to ride it. Next time this is going to be the FIRST ride we go to. That way there will hopefully be a lot less assholes.

26. Good – The Shipyard: Playground yay
Aisha was already asleep by now and the boys didn’t want to run around a playground. They were feeling exhausted, not just because we had been in Legoland Theme Park the whole day by now, but also because of the terrible experience they went through at that Airport Departure ride.

28. Good – Driving School: The one attraction Sulaiman had been begging us to go to
It ended up being the last thing we did. Only because it was the last thing to do in the theme park. Next time instead of turning left at the entrance, we’ll turn right. That way Sulaiman can drive first while Aisha flies a baby plane.
The Nissan Driving School is really cute. The kids line up and get their picture taken for their driver’s license. Then they join a driving theory class. Finally, they get to drive little buggy things.

There’s also a junior driving school. Aisha can try this next time. No class to pass. Just drive round an oval track.

Ayub ended up not enjoying this because… he really needed to pee. Of course he blames me for him needing to pee. Despite the fact that I asked him before they started lining up if he wanted to pee. On top of that, Mr Ninja and I went to check on them in line at least 4 times and they kept saying they were fine.
But yeah, it’s my fault that Ayub needed to pee.

It took 20 minutes from the time they queued to getting their license and driving on the road. Sulaiman ended up in the first car out and pretty much made big rounds on the road the entire time. He didn’t bother to drive on any of the inner lanes that required… skill. Haha.
Ayub was annoyed the whole time. Because of the pee thing. But whatever. We were all tired and had enough fun for the day.

Overall I think there were way more good moments than bad moments
A lot of people have been complaining that Legoland Malaysia Theme Park is getting run down and isn’t being properly maintained. It’s true. Unless they make some major changes, I don’t see how they can turn this around. But I’m hopeful.
We’ll still be coming back for the rest of the year because I bought an annual pass and we’re in Johor Bahru quite often.
I don’t know if it’s worth it for you, but it’s worth it for me π
Legoland Malaysia Theme Park details:
Location: Legoland Malaysia, No 7, Jalan Legoland, Johor Bahru
Ticket prices: Adult (MyKAD) β RM231 | Child (MyKID) β RM185 | Infants (>3) β FREE
Opening times: 10am β 6pm (Monday β Sunday)
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