I don't know why people don't like Fat Spoon. I think it's yummy. A bit…
Look At All The FOOD At The Bazaar Ramadan In Taman Tun Dr Ismail
Ya so I know that Ramadan and Raya happened like forever ago but I’ve been lazy to blog so leave me alone ok, jeez. Hi Gowri!
The Bazaar Ramadan at Taman Tun Dr Ismail is like famous or something. So many tourists come to line up for HOURS just for a teeny bit of food. Weird.
I wish I had the patience to queue up for all these super popular famous yummy dishes but… I don’t. So I bought regular food and took pictures of the viral food haha.
Bazaar Ramadan @ TTDI

Full of humans.
The Bazaar stretches around the car park in like a giant U shape. The Pickle & Fig stretch is the quietest. No super famous viral stalls there I guess. We usually get our food there coz we don’t like the crowds.
See? So quiet.

This is the other side of the U.
Loads and loads and loads of people. Queuing for burgers and stuff.

I don’t know what I’m writing. Come see the stalls:
1. Giant crab thing and a huge pot of lamb and rice wah

2. All the colourful fruit jelly. Looks nicer than it tastes.

3. KUIH! Me and Ayub’s favourite. I love the sago, he loves the onde onde.

4. I can’t remember if this is the satay Mr Ninja always buys. If it is, it’s the best. If not, then it’s not.

5. Mmmmeatballs

6. Kambing golek mmm

7. Stuff on skewers? I dunno why I took a pic of this.

8. The boys’ favourites. Deep fried crispy anything.

9. So this is the popiah basah stall
They had just started setting up. Literally hadn’t made a single popiah. The queue was all he way down the street. Insane.

10. Pulut udang TTDI look at that queueueueueue
Must be damn good. Hnnnngh.

11. What’s this thing called again?

12. I love durian everything

13. Roti jala is a must for Ayub. He used to call it noodle pancakes.

14. All the basah basah noodly things

15. Ibrahim

16. These crazy cheesy burgers that Ayub really wanted but…

…people start queuing at 4pm.
(The Bazaar opens at 4.30pm ya know whaddameaaaan?)

Maybe they’re all just lining up for this dude tho

17. Exhausting.

18. Vietnamese rolls my favourite!
K everything is my favourite I know. This is why I am fat. Leave me alone.

19. No, ok. These chicken wings are my favourite.

20. Oh, but we actually bought these loaded cheeseburgers and I LOVED THEM. My new favourite.

Can’t remember exactly what we ordered. But Ayub, Sulaiman and I had a burger each. Super delicious. Caramalised onions and mushrooms. Mmmm…
Really loaded with cheese and just massive!

21. Long queue for this putu piring too

22. Another long queue for this nasi beriani johor
Are you still reading this story? Champion lah u.

23. Apenih I x ingat.

24. Ribs and brisket. Expensive and dry looking. Sad life.

25. After walking around in the heat, Aisha fell asleep in her Ayah’s arms

26. I wanted to stop and buy flowers from this car but Mr Ninja was all bad moody and boring
How does she drive with all those orchids in her car omg.

27. Aisha K.O.

28. Ibrahim K.O.

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