This is a story about the time I dragged Mr Ninja and our three bambinos…
I Survived Our Busiest Day Of The Week Alone AND Went To A Wedding With All The Kids At Night
Saturdays are our busiest days. The three big ones have LEGO class at Bricks4Kidz in the morning, Aisha has gymnastics in the afternoon, and the boys have taekwondo in the evening.
In between all that there are three meals, countless snacks, six showers, two baths, and a chonky baby who pees, poos, pukes, and is attached to my boobs.
This Saturday I was alone because Mr Ninja went to his best friend’s wedding in Johor. And we still did everything except taekwondo.

It’s nice to be alone once in a while. It reminds me how fucking badass I am. I don’t need no man *Z-snap*
Anyway, this marked the first time we went out at night with the baby
If you have a child with ASD then you know how important routine is. We never leave the house at night. Mr Ninja and I just had our first date night in 4 years remember? Hohoho.

This post is all over the place, I’m sure you’re confused and have no idea what’s happening
It’s ok. Stay confused. Enjoy this slobbery chonky 5-month old.

Awwww the Chonk made friends with his Auntie Aqillz

I take the best pictures seriously I’m amazing.
Thigh rolls berlipat-lipat

The pickiest eater had ice cream, cake, and plain white rice

Stupid Yong Sheng

Aqillz holds national records for weightlifting, don’t play, she’ll pick you up and throw you across the room
Go follow her on Instagram, she’s frickin amazing.

I don’t think Ibrahim has ever been lifted up and down so many times in a row before

He fat

We weak

Aqillz strong

I feel like Aqillz is in the midst of saying, “he’s so chonnnnkkkkk.”
Why is Gowri in like every Ninja Housewife blog post?

Thanks Gows for taking this picture

I take nice picture of Gowri

Gowri take nice picture of me

I take best picture of Gowri

Gowri take best picture of me

It was a long day.
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