Watching ‘The Lion King’ At TGV’s First Dedicated Family-Friendly Cinema Hall In Central i-City
We were invited to watch ‘The Lion King’ at TGV’s first dedicated family-friendly hall in Central i-City.
It was such a cute event. Very roary.

You can read the proper write-up I did for SAYS or you can continue here for a stupid post. Your call. I won’t judge. But if you’re leaving, please click an ad before you go.
If you’re staying, click on an ad anyway. You ingrate.
I love that cinemas are getting more kid-friendly because now I can watch a movie without worrying about my annoying children pissing off other people
Parents are pissed off all the time. We are unfazed by screaming, running, jumping, rolling, happy, unhappy, teeny, tiny, small humans.
MBO Kecil in Starling is my favourite cinema. MBO Kecil in Atria is not my favourite cinema.
Let’s talk about the TGV Family-Friendly Hall:
1. There’s a playroom

This is like the thing they are really proud of. I mean, it’s ok. But the reason families go to the movies is to… ya kno… watch a movie.
Anyway, the playroom includes padded flooring, kid-sized tables and chairs, books and toys, colouring papers with coloured pencils, a diaper-changing room, and child-friendly toilets.

2. My main concern is that there is a SUPER BRIGHT SPOTLIGHT in the diaper-changing room

Did you know that when you change a baby’s diaper, the baby lies on their back?
And so their little faces are looking up??
At the ceiling?????????????
Do you know what it’s like to lie down for 15 minutes with a SUPER BRIGHT SPOTLIGHT shining directly into your eyes??????????????
The person who designed the diaper-changing room has obviously never changed a diaper in their life. Or maybe, they just lack basic common sense? Or perhaps they just hate babies.
It’s nice that it’s bright. The problem is the location of the light. It’s just so directly above the baby’s face. They should shift it. Or just put a softer light on the wall.
3. The playroom is just outside the family-friendly cinema hall

It’s cute but like, the reason why families go to the movies is to… ya kno… watch a movie?
Kinda defeats the purpose of having this playroom.
Unless they somehow were able to play the movie in the room on the giant TV screen at the same time. Or maybe put up a huge window on one side so we could still watch the movie from inside the playroom? I don’t know.
4. The Scan & Play setup is pretty cool

The kids get to colour in these goofy looking characters, get them scanned by a lovely member of staff who is in the playroom at all times, then their character gets projected on this giant screen.

Just like Kiddomo Universe in Starling.
5. And what’s extra cute is that before the movie starts (I think before the trailers even) and during the intermission (every movie in the family-friendly hall has a 15 minute intermission), they play the thing with the children’s things floating around on the cinema screen

The big gigantic cinema screen. Lots of squeals and happy giggles from little ones seeing their artwork brought to life.
Makes me wanna go back just to draw dicks all over a piece of paper, scan it, and have it float around on a 90ft x 30ft screen lmao. #missedopportunities
6. Ok on to the actual hall

7. These are the Aladdin seats

I look uncomfortable AF but they’re actually quite nice. During the second half of the movie Aisha was using these seats as a slide and Ibrahim fell asleep on my chest.
These seats are make up the front row of the cinema. You have to lean back and look up to see the screen. It’s super close.
8. These smol Dory seats are adoryble

omg I made a pun R U NOT ENTERTAINED?
9. Regular ass seats are seat-uated behind the Dory seats

Ok I stop now.
10. There are family beds right at the back but other people got them before us and I wasn’t about to take photos of them sprawled on the bed for this blog so…
Have a chonky baby pic instead.

11. They were having some technical difficulties so the desktop wallpaper was up on the cinema screen
And Mr Ninja thought that was hilarious so he made me take a picture of it.

12. I love this dude

Yeah, that’s it. The movie started so I stopped taking pictures.
The TGV Family-Friendly cinema hall is nice. There’s no playground. But it’s still a nice, welcoming place for kids. So I love it.
I’m super happy to see more family-friendly places popping up everywhere. 10/10 would recommend.
TGV Family Friendly Cinemas
Locations: currently only available at TGV Central i-City
Ticket price: I have no idea, their website doesn’t state and there are currently no movies showing in this hall 🙁
Try and find out yourself at the TGV website?
Ok so before the movie started we were at the media event thing
It was fun and cute so I’m gonna spam pictures here. You don’t need to read any of this. It’s not helpful in any way.

Face painting station: Aisha got a lion

Decorate your own tote bag: SO CUTE

Sulaiman is very shy and somewhat afraid of making a fool of himself, so he refuses to take part in any kind of public activity.

Look at Ayub’s masterpiece.


Created for this little king.

Lots of it.

The photo booth: my favourite haha
Ibrahim hated it but he’s a baby so who cares what he thinks. I’m kidding he was fine, it’s just a perfectly timed shot of a tiny baby rawr.

Why am I always the only one that makes an effort.

Feed the animals: I didn’t take pictures

Roar like a lion: Ayub won first place and got us two complimentary movie tickets to any movie yay

I’ll maybe upload the video of Ayub’s prize-winning roar one day, but today is not that day.
Oh, and this character dude that you colour in and they scan and blah blah blah see #4

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