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[VIDEO] Ibrahim’s First Meal Is Plain Rice Porridge And He Hates It With PASSION
When Ibrahim was 6 months and 1 week old, it was time for him to try solids. All the kids started with carrots but Ibrahim’s nurse said to start him with plain rice porridge.
So I made plain rice porridge.
Come watch him not eat:
Let’s break it down, shall we?
1. First he was like uggghhhhh

2. Then he was like staphh or i spitsss

3. I let him touch the porridge and feel the porridge and be one with the porridge


5. “Away foul demon!”

6. Me refusing to open email notifications from Lazada post-9.9 sale because I don’t want to be reminded how much goddamn money I spent on things I don’t need with discounts that weren’t worth it

7. Mild angry

8. Mild angry i n t e n s i f i e s

9. Don’t you think Ibrahim has a rather square face and somewhat looks like Emmett from the LEGO Movie?

10. That side eye tho

Anyway it’s all good. This was 2 months ago.
Ibrahim is 8 months old now and loves eating his porridge. Although I add yummy things to it now. Like carrots or pumpkin or spinach or peas. Ya. It’s good. He’s good. Love him.
Wanna see him eat a baby biskut? Here’s him eating a baby biskut:

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