Today is Monday. Ramadhan began on Saturday. Usually at this time I would be having…
Finally! My Sixth Blog Post!
It’s been a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since I made another blog post but i’ll try.
I’ll go down by latest to oldest okay? My fifth blog post was about time and numbers. I didn’t say much in that one. Maybe i should update it so i’ll say more.
Now, my fourth blog post. That had four questions in it and the stats of my best pokemon. And i haven’t went there since lockdown. That’s something i should do when it’s over.
Blog post three. I made five questions about math. And told everyone my secret strategy. Umm, i just realized that’s secret, and it’s been like, six MONTHS. I can’t believe myself. Anyways, let’s get to the next one.
My second one. Eek! Almost time for my embarrassing one. My second one is REALLY short. I don’t remember exactly why i made short. In that one i told you my favorite food and favorite video game. And how to play tic-tac-toe. AND MY AWFUL JOKE. I’m sorry for that.
I was four years old when i made my first blog post. And i told you what my favorite stuff is. And i told you i want to be married when i’m sixty-six years old. That’s weird. Who finally want’s to marry someone when he’s sixty-six years old? Me!
And now we’re FINALLY at the main part. That took a long time. Hmm…what to put? Hmm…hmm…HMM…. I’m out of ideas. IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m gonna tell you more about Roblox.
Now i’m playing an old game made from the day it was released…MOW MY LAWN 2! Didn’t expect that? Well if you’re a Roblox player you wouldn’t. If you’re not then you have no idea what i’m talking about. Mow My Lawn 2 just got updated so, that means it’s still alive. It’s design is REALLY old. Of course not the day Roblox was released, but it’s still old.
Well, now i’m out of ideas. And i think my introduction is way too long. And…that’s it. Yup, that’s all. I don’t even know what to say anymore. So…BYE.
New update from Sulaiman. (29/4/2020)
Now i play a new game. It’s called Button Simulator. There are like, what? A hundred buttons? Anyways, i have three ultra divine. They are the third best buttons in the game. But, this game isn’t popular at all. Only two to fifteen players are in there at once. And Mow My Lawn 2 had TWO THOUSAND players in there at once. That’s like one thousand times more than Button Simulator.
And i play Big Paintball sometimes. Want to know how to play it? It’s simple. You just shoot your paintball gun at them and get money. Hey, that’s not all of it. Wondering what you use that money that you just got? To buy new guns! It was obvious right? Right? I have one of the worst guns, but i’m talented. I even got first place using the default! And it’s bad. Bad. Bad. BAD. And i have no idea even how i did that. It’s crazy.
Great. NOW i don’t have any idea what to put. Well, i guess this is the end of my sixth blog post. So now…GOODBYE!!!

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