Since I've been learning to let go and allowing Ayub more independence, I asked him…
Easy Creamy Butter Prawns Recipe For Noobs
Hello fellow noob! I have the easiest creamy butter prawn recipe ever! Cannot mess up. Super fast. No stress. Tastes pretty good. Not amazing good. But I love it. (And Mr Ninja ate A LOT and he never eats a lot of my cooking, so must be quite good haha).

- Fresh prawns
- Curry leaves (like a lot, I used 4 stems)
- Cili padi (I put 4 and it was too spicy for the kids but just right for me lol)
- Garlic (3-5 cloves, minced)
- Evaporated creamer, 1 tin (susu cair)
- Butter (I put a big dollop haha)
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Saute minced garlic, cili padi, and curry leaves in dollop of butter
- Add the tin of evaporated creamer and salt to taste
- Stir stir stir until it thickens
- (I added a liiiiitle bit of corn flour to make a liiiiiitle bit thicker)
- Throw in the prawns and stir stir for about two minutes until cooked through
Prep takes way longer coz you gotta clean out all the gunk in the prawns and stuff. Totally worth it.

You can probably leave the shell on and just clean the poop chute for more legit flavour
But I removed all the shell and heads and legs to make prawn stock for tom yam mmmmm… MCO cooking is awesome man.

Anyway, I’m very proud of this dish even though…
Sulaiman loves butter sauce, dislikes prawns – didn’t eat because sauce too spicy and prawns
Ayub loves prawns, dislikes creamy sauce – didn’t eat because sauce too creamy and spicy
Aisha dislikes everything
Oh well. I LIKED IT. Maybe you will like it too. 🙂
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